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Chapter 21. The Rules


– You’re like a romantic dream of any woman in the morning,» I muttered, stretching and listening to my sensations. It was to be expected that after last night’s action adventure and the subsequent bed wrestling with no rules along with acrobatics, everything and everywhere was supposed to hurt. There was some aches and pains, but not as much as one would logically expect. The benefits of my altered self? I was sure they would be more than generously outweighed by the minuses.

Ri’er didn’t react to my quip, and I didn’t expect him to wake me up, give me a light breakfast in bed, and admit that I was inimitable in my passion. Well, maybe a semblance of a smile, rather than a mocking smirk of the «what didn’t I see there» type as I pulled my robe over my bare body. Or at least a feignedly caring «are you okay?» rather than an indifferent «hurry up and move!» I could live without the excessive tenderness. To tell you the truth, I had breakfast in bed only once, at the beginning of our pseudo-relationship with Olezhek. He brought me to bed on a Saturday morning with a burnt frosting of two eggs and coffee that tasted more like tar than really shocked me. The shock passed quickly, however, when he mumbled that he had stumbled upon a sale of some super-duper cool games at the mall yesterday, and had spent his entire paycheck on them and we would have to live on mine. Eh, I, a naive sucker, really believed then in an unfortunate set of tempting circumstances for a poor kid with such honest eyes. Stupid idiot! I should have kicked him, and would have let him roll down the stairs. And his ugly egg on his head and his coffee!

– Poops! Are you even listening to me?! – I blinked and stared at him standing in the corner of the kitchen, staring at me in displeasure.

– I’m listening! – I answered grumpily, perplexed by the fact that my degree of bitchiness was rapidly progressing. Well, on the other hand, I have been so «lucky» with men lately that there were only two options: to become a cynical and perpetually snapping pest, or to become a patiently tolerant sheep. Fluffy and curly I never liked, so the second role is definitely not for me.

– Rule number one! – The alpha pronounced clearly, concentrating my attention. – I was a werewolf, and I was a man of the cloth, and I was a man of the cloth, and I was a man of the cloth. We NEVER tell people who we are.

– If that’s true, then where do all the legends, books, movies, and stories come from? – I grinned incredulously.

– I don’t care where it comes from, poopsie! But you must never tell anyone you’re not human anymore. Even if there’s some loser you fall in love with, and he happens to fall in love with such a prickly contagion in return, you can never tell him what you are. Otherwise, if it gets out, the punishment would be death for both of them.

– Okay, that’s understandable. Keeping quiet about the fact that I can now turn into a healthy dog, especially what is there to be proud of? – I replied, and immediately a colorful picture emerged in my imagination of me appearing on some TV talent talk show and declaring live on the air: «Hey guys, I can grow fur, run on four legs and bark at passersby! Isn’t that a great talent?» and then I turn around in front of everyone. What a furore that would have been!

– «I’m sorry,» he said, and I was sure he’d be glad I hadn’t been able to get him out of the house. – So much so, in fact, that they might traumatize you, even to death. Don’t you see?

– Okay, rule number two: Don’t call a werewolf a dog, because it can be dangerous,» I nodded.

– No. Rule number two: If you see or smell a werewolf, you get across the street, or, better yet, get as far away from there as you can. Don’t stare, don’t approach, don’t try to make conversation. But don’t run, either. Just pretend you didn’t notice and walk away.

– But why? I thought there were werewolves in that club you took me to, and lots of them.

– True, but you’re not allowed in those places yet. Not until you can get your werewolf problem under control, break free of the Moon’s pull, and get enough power to at least protect yourself, you just don’t go there. They can kill you for a straight forward glance or a long, barbed tongue,“ the Alpha paused eloquently, arching an eyebrow with a „yes, yes, that’s you“ look, „just for being weaker and being able to sense it. Or there’s the option of being captured and becoming someone’s sex toy or punching bag.

– You make it sound like all werewolves are scum and sadists and sex maniacs,» I mumbled with a frown.

– And you’ve seen other werewolves? – He grinned.

– «I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone else,» he grinned.

– Don’t get your panties in a twist, baby,» the Alpha sternly interrupted me. – «Don’t get all mushy about it, doll,» said the alpha, harshly. Every flock has a territory, and the Alpha is their god. They’re usually free-standing settlements, where werewolves live in their own backyard. There’s a strict hierarchy and order established by the Alpha. In most cases, no lawlessness and violence are not welcome, it is only hard for the new converts who are taken into this «family», and even then only at first. If they endure and get accustomed to it, all is well with them. But the large cities are no man’s land, and all those who, for whatever reason, did not get along in the packs themselves or were expelled find themselves there. There is no one’s authority over these idle wanderers, nor do they particularly follow human laws, and they are not usually burdened with moral principles either. Their main rule of life is that the one who is strongest is the one who is on top. Conclusions yourself, what kind of people they are and whether you should get acquainted with them, hoping to find a normal guy among the hundreds of potentially able to harm you morons.

– Why a guy? – I sniggered, contemplating, however, what I’d heard.

– And that’s true, after me, you’d have to try it with girls. The bar is a little high now,» Ri’er grinned defiantly, and I could barely keep from rolling my eyes. If the man had an unusually attractive energy, he’d be able to dissipate it by saying something like that. But no, I’m not going to let that smug turkey out of my equilibrium.

– You think you turned my world upside down tonight? – I snorted, twitching my shoulder nonchalantly.

– I’m sure I shook it pretty badly, baby,» he continued, grinning.

Ugh, I’d like to throw the sugar bowl at his cheeky face. But I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of watching me get angry, which is what he seems to be trying to do.

– You know you shouldn’t carry your own unforgettable experiences to others, alpha,» I turned away and set the pot on the fire. – There’s a good chance you’ll make a mistake.

– That’s right, poops, don’t forget to follow that rule, and you’ll be fine without disappointment.

– To be disappointed, you have to be charmed first. And that’s definitely not me. Or you.

– That’s fine. But speaking of which, and as an introduction to the third rule: you can always get another chance to hop on the erotic ride named after me, if you’re nice and ask nicely or offer it as payment for providing asylum for the full moons.

– Would I need shelter? – I wondered.

– Naturally,» Ri’er snorted with a «don’t be stupid, baby» look. – As long as you can’t control your own turns and depend on the phases of the moon, a safe house is essential.

– And you won’t give it to me for nothing, of course,» I asked, sarcastic, though I knew the answer already.

– Why would I do that? Part of my business is giving people like you a place to turn in my territory during the full moon, and guarding you while you frolic in beastly form against all manner of threats in exchange for cash or favors of all kinds. With you, so be it, of a sexual nature.

– Can’t a harem of free and independent ladies worshipping your cock be able to handle your temperament and want to add me to it?

Ri’er turned dark and squinted unkindly. He leaned over and placed his palms on the edge of the table, hovering over it, forcing me to look up. The kitchen suddenly felt colder.

– Do you know what the problem is with most women? – He grinned contemptuously, curving his beautifully… fuck you!.. plainly outlined lips.

– Enlighten me! – I opened my eyes wide on purpose, ready to listen to the truth.

– You’re always imagining yourself as someone who should automatically have exclusive rights to the man with whom you slept once! Greedy, jealous and not willing to share, you think you make a man happy by letting him fuck you. Instead of being happy with the fact that he’s doing it well, being grateful for it, and that’s all there is to it. But no, you’re selfish and you want it to be yours and no one else’s! You insolent, selfish bitches who want to get all the bitches for yourselves!

With each word he sounded harder and angrier, and at the end he was growling.

– Why did you get so excited? – I patted my eyelashes innocently, playfully. – I don’t remember claiming any part or all of you, or ever claiming to sleep with you again. Why don’t we go back to discussing further rules, and give your fiery speech about how difficult your fate as a sexual altruist is and how your best intentions are not appreciated or understood by those they are aimed at, in front of someone else?

Ri’er gave me a heavy, angry look and, exhaling noisily, he straightened up and backed away from the table.

– No more rules, poops. Just get it into your head once and for all that for the next five years you must keep track of the phases of the moon as the most important thing in your life and always have a safe place to survive a full moon! And preferably it should be some limited and secluded space if you don’t want to find yourself naked in the morning with no one knows where or with whom.

Taking his wallet out of his pocket, he pulled out a business card and tossed it on the table in front of me. Apparently, he considered my training to be over.

– If you have any more questions, call me, but only for business, not to breathe passionately into my ear when it itches between my legs. Phone sex is not my specialty! – He turned around, walked down the hallway to the front door, and shouted from there: «If someone starts to bother you, then refer to the fact that I’m your alpha. If it doesn’t help, call me too, I’ll solve it.

«But not for nothing» was not said, but hung in the air as Ri’er finally left my apartment.


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