Читать книгу Archives in the Digital Age - Abderrazak Mkadmi - Страница 18 Schedule of retention rules
ОглавлениеA retention schedule, also known as a “sorting table” or “retention rules schedule”, is the cornerstone of an archives management system. It is a tool that indicates the retention period for each type of document, as defined by its owner or required by law, with its final fate at the end of this period (disposal or transfer to historical archives). These retention periods are managed by so-called “retention rules” (see Figure 1.2). These are used to determine the minimum retention period for any document, even if nothing prevents the institution from archiving them longer, unless the document contains personal data.
Figure 1.2. Example of retention rules. For a color version of this figure, see www.iste.co.uk/mkadmi/archives.zip
Together with a classification scheme, the retention schedule is the cornerstone of any document management system in a public or private organization. By specifying retention periods and media, retention policies ensure the effective management of the lifecycle of all types of records or series of records, including distinguishing between inactive records that should be retained over the long-term and those that should be disposed of [BAN 18].