Читать книгу Archives in the Digital Age - Abderrazak Mkadmi - Страница 24 Document indexing
ОглавлениеAfter having acquired the document through scanning, exchange and/or production, and in order to find it and facilitate its use, it is necessary to describe its content. This second stage of electronic document management is the most important one as regards being able to keep the document and use it later. This operation can be done by type (with a formal description, author, title, date, etc.), by concepts or keywords selected in a free way, or based on a thesaurus in order to harmonize practices. In web documents in HTML format, the description is created through META tags that allow the creator of these documents to define the relevant keywords representative of the content, the subject, the author and so on. There are many metadata6- related standards today, such as DC (Dublin Core), RDF (Resource Description Framework), EAD (Encoded Archival Description), EAC (Encoded Archival Context) and LOM (Learning Object Metadata) [MKA 08]. The objective is to make this metadata usable by a large number of search tools.