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Table of Contents
Rome Founded, 753 B.C. Romulus, 753-716 B.C.
Tullus Hostilius, 672-640 B.C.
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, 616-578 B.C.
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, 534-510 B.C.
Establishment of the Republic. Election of Consuls, 509 B.C.
Institution of the Dictatorship, 501 B.C.
Secession of the Plebeians. Establishment of the Tribunate, 494 B.C.
Slaughter of the Fabii, 477 B.C.
Dictatorship of Cincinnatus, 458 B.C.
Revolt of the Fidenates, 438 B.C.
Rome Captured by the Gauls, 390 B.C.
Military Tribunes with Consular Power Elected, 444 B.C.
Invasion of the Gauls; Torquatus, 361 B.C.
First Samnite War, 343-341 B.C.
Second Samnite War, 326-304 B.C.
Romans defeated at Caudine Forks, 321 B.C.
War with the Gauls and Etruscans, 283 B.C.
War with Tarentum and Pyrrhus, 281-272 B.C. Battle of Heraclea, 280 B.C.
Fabricius; Battle of Beneventum, 275 B.C.
First Punic War, 264-241 B.C. ; Romans victorious in Sicily, 264 B.C.
Invasion of Africa by the Romans, 256 B.C.
Romans shipwrecked near Sicily.
Regulus sent to Rome to solicit Peace, 250 B.C.
Publius Claudius defeated near Drepana, 249 B.C.
Battle of Lilybaeum, 242 B.C. Battle of the Aegates Islands and End of the War, 241 B.C.
Sardinia taken by the Romans, 238 B.C.
War with the Illyrians, 229 B.C.
Invasion of the Gauls, 225 B.C.
Second Punic War begun, 218 B.C.
Battle of the Trebia, 218 B.C. Battle of Trasumenus, 217 B.C.
Campaign in Sicily, 214-210 B.C.
Recapture of Tarentum, 209 B.C.
Scipio crosses into Africa, 204 B.C.
Battle of Zama, 202 B.C. End of the Second Punic War, 201 B.C.
Second Macedonian War, 200-196 B.C.
Syro-Aetolian War, 192-189 B.C.
Third Macedonian War, 176-168 B.C.
Destruction of Corinth, 146 B.C.
War with Aristonicus, 131 B.C.
War with Transalpine Gauls, 125-121 B.C.
War with Jugurtha, 111-104 B.C.
War with the Cimbri and Teutones, 105-101 B.C. Battle of Aquae Sextiae, 102 B.C.
First Mithradatic War, 88-84 B.C.
Sulla takes Athens, 87 B.C. Battle of Chaeronea, 86 B.C.
Terms of Peace, 84 B.C. Sulla’s Return to Italy, 83 B.C.
Battle of Colline Gate, 82 B.C.
War with Sertorius, 78-72 B.C.
War with the Isaurians, 78 B.C.
The Third Mithradatic War, 74-63 B.C.
War with the Gladiators, 73-71 B.C.
Battle of Tigranocerta, 69 B.C.
Cn. Pompey takes command, 66 B.C.
Pompey subdues Syria and Palestine, 64 B.C.
Cicero Consul. Conspiracy of Catiline, 63 B.C.
Triumphs of Metellus and Pompey, 62 B.C.
Caesar Consul, 59 B.C. Governor of Gaul, 58-49 B.C.
Battle of Carrae; M. Licinius Crassus slain, 53 B.C.
Battle of Pharsalus. Pompey is defeated, flees to Egypt, and is slain, 48 B.C.
Caesar Monarch, 45 B.C. Caesar Assassinated, 44 B.C.
Civil War with Hirtius and Pansa, 44-43 B.C.
The Second Triumvirate, 43 B.C.
The Battle of Philippi, 42 B.C.
Civil War between Augustus and Antonius. The Battle of Actium, 31 B.C.
Imperial Government Established, 31 B.C.
Antoninus Pius Emperor, 138-161 A.D.
Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus Emperors, 161-169 A.D.
Marcus Aurelius reigns alone, 169-180 A.D.
Commodus Emperor, 180-193 A.D.
Septimius Severus Emperor, 193-211 A.D.
Caracalla Emperor, 211-217 A.D.
Heliogabalus Emperor, 218-221 A.D.
Alexander Severus Emperor, 221-235 A.D.
Maximinus Emperor, 235-237 A.D.
Antonius Gordianus Emperor, 237-238 A.D. Gordianus III Emperor, 238-244 A.D.
Metius Decius Emperor, 249-251 A.D.
Gallus Hostilianus and Volusianus Emperors, 251-253 A.D.
Valerianus Emperor, 253-260 A.D.
Gallienus Emperor, 260-268 A.D.
Claudius Emperor, 268-270 A.D.
Aurelian Emperor, 270-275 A.D.
Carus Emperor, 282-283 A.D. Carus and Numerianus Emperors, 283-284 A.D.
Diocletian Emperor, 284-305 A.D.
Diocletian makes Maximianus Herculius Augustus, Constantius and Maximianus Caesars.
Diocletian abdicates, 305 A.D.
Constantius I and Galerius Emperors, 305-306 A.D.
Constantine Emperor, 306-307 A.D.
Licinius Emperor, 307-324 A.D.
Constantine the Great sole Ruler, 324-337 A.D.
The Sons of Constantine rule, 337-360 A.D.