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الفصل السابع

ڡي الطباق والتنظير

Chapter Seven

Compare and Contrast


الانسان كما قالت الفارياقية مجبول على السآمة والملل * ومتى ظفر بالغرض * استحوذ عليه الغرض * وما دام الرجل المتزوج حِلْس بيته ويسمع من زوجته هات واشترِ وجدِّد واصلح ودَّ لو انه يكون عزبا ولو راهبا فى صومعة * فاذا تغرب عنها وراى الرجال يمشون مع النسآ سوآ كن حليلات او خليلات اَنِف من الصومعة * وهاج به الشوق الى ان يكون له امراة يماشيها مثل اولئك وان كان مشيهم وقتئذ للتحاكم والتخاصم لدى جناب القاضى * فينبغى للزوج الملازم لِكِنِّه والحالة هذه ان لا يزال متصوّرا انه غريب فى ارض بعيدة عند اناس يخدعونه ويغبنونه ويهيجونه بمرافدهم * او ان زوجته قد سافرت عنه الى اناس يعاقرونها المدام * ويرقدونها على فرش من ريش النعام * ويغازلونها فتغزلهم * ويباعلونها فتبعلهم * فاذا فعل ذلك هانت عليه نغمات هات واشتر * وهذا جدول عن الفارياق بيّن فيه الاحوال التى يقول فيها المتزوج

Humankind, as the Fāriyāqiyyah said, has a predisposition toward discontent and ennui, and no sooner does it gain the object of its desire than a desire for other objects takes over. Likewise, given that the married man is a fixture around the house and hears nothing from his wife but “Fetch!” “Buy!” “Renew!” and “Repair!” he dearly wishes he might be a bachelor again, even if it means being a monk in a cell. Then, if he leaves the latter and sees men walking side by side with women, whether wedded wives or lady loves, he becomes fed up with his cell, and the longing to have a wife with him and to walk with her like those others (even if their promenading is leading them at that very moment to trial and litigation before His Honor the Judge)102 rises within him. In such cases, the husband who never leaves his nest ought constantly to imagine to himself that he is a stranger in a distant land living with people who dupe him, cheat him, and inflame his senses with their bustles, or that his wife has left him to go to people who will compete to fill her glass and lay her down on an ostrich-feather palliasse, or who, should they flirt with her, will find she tells them “Yes!” and, on making love to her, find that she to them will acquiesce. If he does this, the chant of “Fetch!” and “Buy!” will seem less unbearable. Here is a table, composed on the authority of the Fāriyāq, in which he sets out the conditions under which the married man says,


ياليت ما عندى امراة وياليت عندى امراة
اذا تزبرقتْ وتزبرجت وتزلقت وتبرجت وتعطرت وتبغنجت وقالت له قم بنا الى المثابة والمحافل والمحاشد والملاهى والمراقص * اذا سار وحده الى المثابة والمحافل والمحاشد والملاهى والمراقص وراى النسآ فيها متزبرقات * متزبرجات الخ *
اذا خرج معها وقد نفّجت صدرها واحكمت مرفدها ثم طفقت تتبازى وتوكوك وتميس وتزوزك وتميل عنقها وراسها * اذا سار وحده وراى من قد نفجت صدرها واحكمت مرفدها ثم غدت تتبازى وتوكوك الخ *
اذا مشى معها فرات نقطة مآ فى الطريق فشمّرت عن ساقيها لتبدو حماتاهما * اذا مشى وحده فراى من شمرت عن ساقيها عند رويتها نقطة مآ فى الطريق الخ *
اذا سار معها فى يوم ذى ريح وعمدت الى كشف الثوب عن صدرها وعجزها * اذا سار وحده فى يوم ذى ريح وابصر من عمدت الى كشف الثوم عن صدرها *
اذا جعلت دابها ان توقع منديلها او تربط شراك نعليها ثم تكبّ فتبدى عجيزتها * اذا سار وحده فراى من تكب لتربط شراك نعليها او تلتقط منديلها فتبدى عجيزتها *
“Would that I had no wife!” and “Would that I had a wife!”
When she picks out a red or yellow dress, dresses to make herself look fine, smoothes her skin and makes it shine, makes herself look easy to get, puts on perfume and plays the coquette, and tells him, “Off with us to where the people gather, to the crowded places and the crush, to the night spots and the dance floors!” When he goes alone to where the people get together, to the crowded places and crammed places, to the night spots and dance floors and sees the women there all wearing red or yellow dresses, dressed up to look fine, etc.
When he goes out with her after she’s plumped out her chest and adjusted her bustle and then she never stops sticking out her bottom, swinging her hips, strutting, swaying from side to side, and bending her neck and head. When he strikes out alone and sees women who have plumped out their chests, adjusted their bustles and then set off sticking out their bottoms, swinging their hips, etc.
When he’s walking with her and she sees a drop of water on the road and hikes up her dress, exposing her calves so that everyone can see the mud on them. When he walks alone and sees the women who have hiked up their dresses, exposing their calves, on seeing a drop of water on the road, etc.
When he sets out with her on a windy day and she deliberately lets her dress reveal glimpses of her breast and her backside. When he sets out alone on a windy day and sees the women who deliberately let their dresses reveal glimpses of their breasts, etc.
When she makes a habit of dropping her handkerchief or tying her sandal strap, so that she has to bend over and show off her backside. When he sets out alone and sees the women bending over to fasten the straps on their sandals or picking up their handkerchiefs, thus showing off their backsides.


اذا جعلت شيا فى فمها تلوكه وهى ماشية توهم من يعجبها من الفتيان انها تشير بقبلة او اذا غمزت احدا ورمزت ولمزت * اذا ابصر من تلوك شيا وهى ماشية وحسب ذلك اشارة اليه بقبلة ثم غدت تغمز وترمز وتلمز وتابز وتنفز وتنقز *
اذا صادفت رجلا من معارفها فى الطريق فطفقت تعاتبه على طول غيابه عنها ثم امسكت بيده وغمزته١ غمزا شديدا * اذا راى امراة تعاتب رجلا على طول غيابه عنها ثم اخذت يده وغمزته٢ غمزا شديدا حتى احمر الغامز واصفر المغموز او بالعكس *
اذا لقيت امراة فى الطريق عليها ديباج نفيس فجعلت تسالها عن سعره وعمن يبيعه * اذا لقى امراتين تمس احداهما الاخرى وتلك الملموسة تشير بيدها اللطيفة الى مكان *
اذا صادفت احدا فى الطريق فاشارت اليه انِ اتبعنا فاخذ يمشى عن يمينها فحولت وجهها عن زوجها وجعلت جلّ الكلام مع الزبون * اذا وجد رجلا بين امراتين او امراة بين رجلين ففى الحالة الاولى طلبا للمرازمة وفى الثانية ثقة بالكفاية لان طعام اثنين يشبع ثلثة *
اذا رجعا الى البيت وصرّحت له او عرّضت بشرآ الديباج ولم يكن عنده دراهم تكفى * اذا رجع الى البيت وراى ان عنده مالًا وليس من تلبس الديباج وتجلس الى جانبه *

١ ١٨٥٥: غمزتها.

٢ ١٨٥٥: غمزتها.

When she puts something in her mouth and chews on it as she walks, making her young male admirers think that she’s mouthing a kiss at them, or when she winks at one of them and arches an eyebrow or rolls her eyes. When he observes women chewing something as they walk and thinks they’re mouthing kisses at him and then they start winking, arching their eyebrows, rolling their eyes, skipping, hopping, and springing.
When she happens on a male acquaintance of hers in the street and keeps on rebuking him for not having come to see her for so long, then takes hold of his hand and gives him a big wink. When he sees a woman rebuking a man for not having come to see her for so long and then taking his hand and giving him such a big wink that the winker blushes and the winked-at blanches, or vice versa.
When she encounters a woman in the street who is wearing an expensive brocade and she starts asking her about the price and who sells it. When he encounters two women one of whom is stroking the other while the one stroked points to some place with her delicate hand.
When she happens on some man in the street and makes a sign to him as though to say, “Follow us!” and he walks along on her right side and she turns her face from her husband and makes most of her conversation with the chump. When he finds a man between two women or a woman between two men, for in the first case, the man is seeking to “mix the rough with the smooth”103 while in the second the men are confident of getting enough, for “food for two will satisfy three.”104
When they return to the house and she plainly states, or hints, that they should buy the brocade and he doesn’t have enough money to pay for it. When he returns to the house and sees that he has plenty of money but there’s no one to wear brocade or sit at his side.


اذا قالت له وهما على المائدة لتغصّصه ما اجمل فلانا الذى ماشانا وما الطفه وابرّه واترّه واطرّه واحرّه وادرّه * اذا جلس للطعام وحده وجعل يفكر ويقول فى نفسه ما اجمل فلانة التى رايتها تمشى مع فلان وما الطفها واترّها واطرّها وادرّها *
اذا بات تلك الليلة وهو تعب موجع الراس حتى اذا اغفى قليلا احسّ بحركة منها فى جنبه فقضى دينه متكارها * اذا بات تلك الليلة وهو مستريح ناشط ثم احسّ بحركة منه فمد يده فجات على الحائط او على مسمار او وتد فدميت *
اذا سكن منزلا وكان جاره الادنى منه فتى جميلا فجعل يتردد عليه بعلة الجاريّة * اذا سكن منزلا وكانت جارته فتاة جميلة ولم يمكن له ان يمت اليها بوسيلة الجاريّة *
اذا مرض ولزم فراشه وهو يشكو ويئن فلزمت هى الشباك وهى تمكو وتحنّ * اذا راى جاره مريضا فى الفراش يشكو ويئن وزوجته بجنبه تحنّ وتهنّ *
اذا جآ وقت الصيف ففتر وفدر وجفر وحَصِر واسترخت عروقه فاثر ان يبيت وحده * اذا جآ وقت الشتآ فاشتدّ واستد وامتد واحتد ونبضت عروقه فاثر ان يبيت مع من تنفخ فى وجهه *
When she tells him at table (to make him choke), “How handsome is (such and such a young man) who walked along with us and how amusing and kind and full of savor, how full of youth and sap and ardor!” When he sits down to eat alone and sets to thinking, saying to himself, “How beautiful is (such and such a woman) whom I saw walking with (such and such a man) and how amusing she is and full of savor and how full of youth and ardor!”
When he goes to bed that night and he’s tired and has a headache and dozes off for a while and then feels her moving against his side and he performs his marital duty with gritted teeth. When he goes to bed and he’s relaxed and full of beans and then feels himself moving and puts out his hand and it comes up against the wall, or a nail, or a peg, and comes away covered with blood.
When he lives in a certain house and his closest neighbor is a beautiful youth who keeps dropping by in the name of good-neighborliness. When he lives in a certain house and his neighbor is a beautiful girl and he cannot use good-neighborliness as a way to get to her.
When he falls ill and is stuck in bed whining and moaning while she’s stuck to the window wolf-whistling and groaning. When he sees his neighbor sick in bed whining and moaning while his wife’s at the neighbor’s side groaning and bemoaning.
When summer comes and he feels listless and lifeless, unsexed and unmanned, and his sinews go slack and he'd prefer to sleep alone. When winter comes and he feels shaken and stirred, distended and agitated, and his sinews throb and he'd prefer to spend the night with someone puffing in his face.


اذا عنّ له سفر لا بدّ منه ولم يمكن له مصاحبة زوجته * اذا راى جاره قد سافر وترك زوجته خبعة طلعة راغية ثاغية *
اذا غاب عن زوجته او غابت هى عنه فجعلت تكتب له ما تغيره به وتكيده وتقهره * اذا غاب رجل عن زوجته او غابت هى عنه فجعلت تكتب له ما تصبّره به وتسلّيه وتمنّيه *
اذا قرا فى الكتب ان النسآ كلهن خائنات وان عقولهن فى فروجهن * اذا سمع عن امراة انها لم تخن زوجها وانها ردّت فى حبه هدايا عشاق كثيرين *
اذا ركبه الضَفَف فلم يقدر على كفاية عائلته ولم تكن امراته جميلة لتنفعه * اذا راى امراة جميلة تماشى ولدا لها صغيرا بزيعًا فيقع فى الارض فتنهضه بيدها فيبكى قليلا حتى يحمر خدّاه *
اذا جآ من محترفه وقابلته امراته بالصخب والمشارزة والنقار والضجيج والجؤار * اذا راى جاره قد آب من محترفه فسمع له ولزوجته رَتَلا وزَجَلا وهَمْسا ورِكزا ومباغمة ثم رفَثًا *
When a journey looms that is unavoidable and on which he cannot take his wife. When his neighbor goes off on a journey and leaves his wife now appearing, now retreating, now blatting, now bleating.
When he’s away from his wife or she’s away from him and she writes him things that make him jealous, lay snares for him, and leave him a broken man. When some man’s away from his wife or she’s away from him, and she writes him things that help him endure, comfort him, and give him hope.105
When he reads in books that all women are unfaithful and their brains are in their vaginas. When he hears of some woman that she has never betrayed her husband and has returned, out of love for him, the gifts of many suitors.
When he finds he has too many children to feed and can’t provide for his family and his wife’s no longer beautiful enough to be of any use to him. When he sees a beautiful woman walking with a small child of hers who’s cute and bright and he falls down and she pulls him up again and he cries a little, so that his cheeks turn red.
When he comes home from work and his wife meets him with scolding and bad temper, bickering, bellowing, and bawling. When he sees his neighbor’s returned from work and hears him and his wife billing and cooing, whispering and rustling, talking in low, sweet voices, and, finally, talking dirty.


اذا غاب عن بيته ورجع فوجد فراشه مشوّشا وشعر امراته مشعّثا بعد ان كانت اصلحتهما قبل خروجه * اذا رجع الى بيته فائزا بوطر ووجد فرشه موضونا وليس من تملاه شحما ولحما ثم راى فى جملة ذخائره خصلة شعر *
اذا رآها تسارّ الخادم او الخادمة وتانس بهما وتتساهل معهما وتحسن اليهما * اذا راى امراة لا تسارّ الخادم ولا الخادمة ولا تبتسم لهما ولا تخلو باحد منهما *
اذا رآها تتوقف فى المشى كلّما مرّ بها جميل بدعوى ضيق نعليها او غيره * اذا راى امراة تماشى زوجها وطرفها اليه ولا يزعجها من يمرّ بها كائنا ما كان *
اذا اضطجعت حتى ينظرها من هو اعلى منها او اسفل واشوق ما تكون المراة ما اذا اضطجعت على جنبها * اذا راى امراة قد اضطرّت الى الاضطجاع وابت ذلك حيآ وحشمة سوآ كان ذلك فى حضور زوجها او فى غيابه *
اذا كانت ذات هوى وضلع مع جيل بخصوصه ولا تزال تلهج بذكره * اذا كانت المراة غير ذات ميل وحذل مع احد وعندها ان زوجها يغنيها عن غيره *
When he’s been out of the house and returns only to find his bed in a mess and his wife’s hair disheveled even though she had tidied both before he left. When he returns to his house having pulled off some triumph only to find his bedding neatly folded and no one to fill it with a nice warm body, and then comes across a lock of hair among his things.
When he sees her sharing confidences with the manservant or maid, enjoying their company, becoming familiar with them, and doing them favors. When he sees a woman not sharing confidences with her manservant or maid or smiling at them or never spending time on her own with either of them.
When he sees her pausing as she walks whenever a handsome man passes, claiming her shoe is too tight or something of the sort. When he sees a woman walking with her husband, her eyes fixed on him and paying as little mind to any who passes by as if they didn’t exist.
When she lies down in such a fashion that anyone who is higher or lower than she can see her, and a woman is never more desirable than when she lies down on her side! When he sees a woman who has been required to lie down but refuses to do so out of modesty and decorum, whether in the presence or absence of her husband.
When she’s full of love and attachment for a particular set of people and can’t stop talking about them. When a woman has no special inclination or liking for anyone and thinks she needs no one but her husband.


اذا غاب عن بيته ثم رجع فلم يجد امراته او اذا قرع الباب فلم تفتح له فى الحال * اذا راى جاره كلما رجع الى منزله وجد امراته مقبلة على الشغل ولا يكاد يطرق الباب الا ويُفتَح له *
اذا سمعت آلات الطرب فغدت تترنح وتترقص وتقول آه اوه ايه * اذا سمع امراة تقول وقد سمعت آلات الطرب ان صوت ابنها الصغير اشجى منها *
اذا كانت تسهب مع الفتيان فى الكلام وتضحك معهم حتى تقول طيخ طيخ وعيناها اذ ذاك مغازلتان ووجنتاها محمرّتان * اذا راى امراة تكلم الحاضرين كلّا بحسب مقامه ولا يسمع منها طيخ طيخ ولا يبدو فى سحنتها احمرار ولا اصفرار *
اذا كتبت على قميصها حروفا انكرها او راى فى شفتيها اثر العض والكعام * اذا سمع ان امراة تكتب على قميصها اسم زوجها ولم يُرَ فى شفتيها او خدّيها اثر ما قط *
اذا سمعها تذكر اسمآ رجال فى المنام او اذا تحالمت فذكرت ما كان يعجبه ويرضيه * اذا بلغه ان جاره يكاعم امراته ويشاعرها فلا تحلم له ولا يحلم لها *
When he leaves his house and then returns and doesn’t find his wife, or knocks on the door and she doesn’t open it right away. When he sees that whenever his neighbor returns to his house he finds his wife about her work and barely has time to knock on the door before it is opened to him.
When she hears musical instruments and starts swaying and undulating and saying, “Ah! Ooh! Aiee!” When he hears a woman saying, after hearing musical instruments, that her little boy’s voice is sweeter.
When she talks and laughs with the young men at such length that in the end she gives a belly laugh, her eyes being at that moment flirtatious, her cheeks flushed. When he sees a woman talking with each of those present according to his standing and doesn’t hear any belly laughs from her and her face is neither flushed nor pale.
When she writes on her shift letters that mean nothing to him or he sees the traces of bites or devouring kisses on her lips or cheeks. When he hears that a woman has written the letters of her husband’s name on her shift and there is no trace of anything to be seen on her lips or cheeks.
When he hears her saying men’s names while she’s dreaming or when she pretends to dream just so as to be able to mention things that would please him or give him satisfaction. When he hears that his neighbor devours his wife’s lips and lies with her under her shift, so she neither dreams of him nor he of her.106


اذا رآها تكره ولدها وتلهى عنه وعن امور البيت بزينتها وتبرجها * اذا راى امراة تحب ولدها وتحمله ولا تلهى عنه ولا عن بيتها *
اذا قعدت بالشباك لتخيط شيا فجعلت تدرز درزة وتنظر منه نظرة حتى جآ عملها فاسدا فاضطرت الى فتقه واصلاحه * اذا راى امراة تخيط لزوجها او لولدها شيا من غير ان تتخلل الدرزات نظرات وزفرات فجآ عملها محكما من اول وهلة *
اذا وضعت القدر على النار لتطبخ شيا ثم شرعت فى الغنآ حتى تهوست فنسيت القدر والطبيخ فتشيّط * اذا راى امراة تضع القدر على النار ولا تلهى عنها فياتى الطعام قديا مشهّيا معينا على الباه والرقاد *
اذا تمنّت ان تكون فى المواضع التى يكثر فيها تردد الرجال كفندق وخان ونحوهما * اذا كانت تبتعد عن المثابة ولا تشتهى ان تدخل فى زحام ليقرصها واحد ويغمزها آخر *
اذا كانت تصرّح او تعرّض لزوجها بانها تحب السمان الطوال من الرجال مثلا وهو ليس منهم * اذا كانت المراة تقول امام زوجها او غيره بانها لا تحب الطوال من الرجال حالة كون زوجها قصيرا *
When he sees that she hates her children and pays more attention to her finery and toilette than she does to them or to the housekeeping. When he sees a woman who loves her children and carries them about and lets nothing distract her from them or her house.
When she sits at the window sewing something and looks up after every stitch she makes and her work turns out poorly and she’s obliged to unpick it and repair it. When he sees a woman sewing something for her husband or her children without interspersing the stitches with looks and sighs, and her work turns out well-done from the first moment.
When she puts the cooking pot on the fire to cook something and then starts singing and gets so caught up in the song that she forgets about the pot and the cooking and it burns. When he sees a woman put the cooking pot on the fire and allow nothing to distract her from it, and the food turns out tasty, stimulating of the appetites, and conducive to intercourse and sleep.
When she wants to be in the places where lots of men go, such as a hotel or an inn or the like. When she stays away from meeting places and has no desire to enter crowds lest some man pinch her or wink at her.
When she states or hints to her husband that she likes, for example, tall, well-fleshed men and he isn’t one of them. When the wife says in front of her husband or anyone else that she doesn’t like tall men, because her husband is short.


اذا كانت تعيب على زوجها انه غير متصف بالمِلْثية ولا بالقُمُدّية * اذا كانت امراة مفسّلة تعفّفا وشكت من ملثية زوجها وقمدّيته١ *
اذا وافى منزله وقت الغدا او العشآ ساغبا لاغبا فلم يجد شيا ياكله لان زوجته لهيت عن الغدآ بتصليح ثيابها وتغيير زيّها وعن العشآ بلبسها وجلوسها بالشباك لتنظر وينظرها المارّون * ما اشبه وذلك * اذا وافى منزله وقت الغدآ او العشآ فوجد على مائدته كل ما تشتهيه النفس فاكل وشرب وطابت نفسه ثم راى من شباكه جارته تلبس ثيابها وتنظر الى ما ورائها لتعلم هل الثوب والعجيزة هما كشنّ وطبقة او لا * وما اشبه ذلك *

١ ١٨٥٥: وقمديّته.

When she rebukes her husband for being characterized neither by insatiability nor continence. When the wife holds herself aloof from her husband out of modesty when having her period and complains of both her husband’s insatiability and his continence.
When he turns up at his house at lunch or dinnertime tired and hungry and finds nothing to eat because his wife has been too busy mending her clothes and trying on her dresses to prepare lunch and too busy getting dressed and sitting at the window to see and be seen by the passers-by to prepare dinner. And so on and so forth. When he turns up at his house at lunch or dinnertime and finds everything his heart could desire on the table and eats and drinks and feels well content, then looks out of his window and sees the woman next door putting on her dresses and looking over her shoulder to see if they’re a nice snug fit. And so on and so forth.
Leg over Leg

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