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الساق على الساق فى ما هو الفارياق


ايام وشهور واعوام فى عجم العرب والاعجام

تاليف العبد الفقير الى ربه الرزاق

فارس بن يوسف الشدياق

Leg over Leg


The Turtle in the Tree


The Fāriyāq

What Manner of Creature Might He Be

otherwise entitled

Days, Months, and Years

spent in

Critical Examination


The Arabs


Their Non-Arab Peers


The Humble Dependent on His Lord the Provider

Fāris ibn Yūsuf al-Shidyāq

فهرست الكتاب

الكتاب الرابع

الفصل الاول فى اطلاق بحر *
الفصل الثانى فى وداع *
الفصل الثالث فى استرحامات شتى *
الفصل الرابع فى شروط الرواية *
الفصل الخامس فى فضل النسآ وفيه وصف لندن عن الفارياق *
الفصل السادس فى محاورة *
الفصل السابع فى الطباق والتنظير *
الفصل الثامن فى سفر معجّل وهينوم عقمى رهبل *
الفصل التاسع فى الهيئة والاشكال *
الفصل العاشر فى سفر وتفسير *
الفصل الحادى عشر فى ترجمة ونصيحة *
الفصل الثانى عشر فى خواطر فلسفية *
الفصل الثالث عشر فى مقامة ممشية *
الفصل الرابع عشر فى رثآء ولد *
الفصل الخامس عشر فى الحِداد *
الفصل السادس عشر فى جور الانكليز *
الفصل السابع عشر فى وصف باريس *
الفصل الثامن عشر فى شكاة وشكوى *
الفصل التاسع عشر فى سرقة مطرانية ووقائع مختلفة *
الفصل العشرون فى نبذة مما نظمه الفارياق من القصائد والابيات فى باريس على ما سبقت الاشارة اليه *

Contents of the Book

Book Four

Chapter 1: Unleashing a Sea

Chapter 2: A Farewell

Chapter 3: Assorted Pleas for Mercy

Chapter 4: The Rules for Retelling

Chapter 5: The Superiority of Women, including a Description of London on the Authority of the Fāriyāq

Chapter 6: A Discussion

Chapter 7: Compare and Contrast

Chapter 8: A Voyage Festinate and Language Incomprehensibly and Inscrutably Intricate

Chapter 9: Form and Shape

Chapter 10: A Passage and an Explanation

Chapter 11: A Translation and Some Advice

Chapter 12: Philosophical Reflections

Chapter 13: A Maqāmah to Make You Walk

Chapter 14: Elegy for a Son

Chapter 15: Mourning

Chapter 16: The Tyrannical Behavior of the English

Chapter 17: A Description of Paris

Chapter 18: A Complaint and Complaints

Chapter 19: A Metropolitan Theft and Miscellaneous Events

Chapter 20: A Selection of Poems and Verses Written by the Fāriyāq in Paris as Previously Alluded To:

The Poem for Sultan ʿAbd al-Majīd Khān, may God preserve his might

The Presumptive Poem in Praise of Paris and the Prescriptive Poem in Dispraise of It

The Poem in Which He Eulogized the Honorable and Ennobled Emir ʿAbd Al-Qādir Ibn Muḥyī Al-Dīn

The Poem in Which He Eulogized the Honorable and Ennobled Ṣubḥī Bayk, Of Noble Lineage and Line, in Islāmbūl

The Eulogy He Wrote to the Virtuous and Wise Priest Ghubrāʾīl Jubārah

A Poem on Gambling

Room Poems

Poems of Separation

A List of the Synonymous and Lexically Associated Words in This Book


Leg over Leg

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