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Twenty-sixth Day.


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The conscientious observance of the marriage vows is to be a supreme law to the wife. Purity must be the virtue principally looked to in marriage, according to the laws of the Sacrament of Matrimony; the wife's motto must be that of Susanna of old, who said: “I will rather die than sin before God.” The wife owes her husband a compliance at least to his wishes; not exactly an abject obedience, but that the husband and wife consult with each other, and that she comply in all lawful and sensible things. This subjection is founded on the Scriptures. God Himself said to Eve, “Thou shalt be under thy husband's power, and he shall have dominion over thee” (Gen. iii. 16), and St. Paul declares, “Let women be subject to their husbands as to the Lord.”—Ephes. v. 22. The loving, true, and obedient wife exerts an unbounded influence for good over her husband. She will make him great in the eyes of men, she will make him respectable and presentable in society; in short, she will make the married life a truly happy one from beginning to end.


O most loving Jesus, etc., etc.

Our Monthly Devotions

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