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Twenty-ninth Day.


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The principal feast during the month of February is the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin, or Candlemas. On that day Mary goes to the Temple, because the days of her purification are over. For forty days she was excluded from the Temple as being impure. Mary, as we know, was holy and good, and did not need to subject herself to the Law of Moses; but she was obedient and permitted herself to be regarded as an ordinary woman. There in the Temple she presented her first-born Son to God. He belongs to God already, He is God; He is the victim by whose atonement a permanent reconciliation is effected between God and man. The gates of heaven are opened, and the places made vacant by the fall of the angels are to be filled. [pg 094] Mary brings with her the offering of the poor, a pair of turtle-doves as a ransom. God has accepted the sacrifice of His divine Son, made for Him by His holy Mother. O holy Virgin! do thou also make propitiation to the Father for us poor sinners, that we may be acceptable to God, may belong to God, and may spend our lives in His service.


O most loving Jesus, etc., etc.

Our Monthly Devotions

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