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Twenty-seventh Day.


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The wife has a sublime calling to be a mother. What is more beautiful than motherhood? [pg 092] what is more useful to the new-born humanity than the mother? All the world recognizes her dignity, and respects her. A Christian mother will consider the child a gift from God, which though given to her, still belongs to God; hers is the first care of the newly-born infant, her care and love will not relax for all time to come. She is always the mother. Have the child presented for Baptism at the very earliest moment; if it be in danger of death see that it receives private baptism. Then start out in patience and kindness to rear it, giving it a secular but above all a religious training, as the child must be prepared to take its place as a good member of society and of the Church. Hence prayers must be taught, and care must be taken that they are recited with piety and regularity; the dogmas of the Church must be impressed on the child. At home it has to learn all that pertains to the spiritual life of the holy Roman Catholic Church, of which it is a member. Secular learning must be imparted, too, as much as possible in schools belonging to the Church, so that the very best education may be secured for the child.


O most loving Jesus, etc., etc.

Our Monthly Devotions

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