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Twenty-eighth Day.


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The mother must watch over the children, and be very careful of the company they keep. She must see that prayers are said morning and night, before and after meals, that they go regularly to church on Sundays, and to school every day. When they are able to go to work, give them an occupation [pg 093] so that they will not be idle. Keep a vigilant eye on your grown-up sons and daughters. They are forming acquaintances which perhaps are not good for them; their associations may not be the best. Unrestricted, unobserved meetings should not be allowed, for they excite the passions. When the time of their marriage comes, pray to almighty God that they may find such partners as will be a help to them for the rest of their lives, and lead them on in sanctity to their eternal salvation. As you have been a good mother to your children, they will respect your memory, will pray for you when you are gone, and will imitate your virtues. The memory of a good mother lives forever.


O most loving Jesus, etc., etc.

Our Monthly Devotions

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