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Table of Contents

§ 20. The number of deaths from poison (whether accidental, suicidal, or homicidal), as compared with other forms of violent, as well as natural deaths, possesses no small interest; and this is more especially true when the statistics are studied in a comparative manner, and town be compared with town, country with country.

The greater the development of commercial industries (especially those necessitating the use or manufacture of powerful chemical agencies), the more likely are accidents from poisons to occur. It may also be stated, further, that the higher the mental development of a nation, the more likely are its homicides to be caused by subtle poison—its suicides by the euthanasia of chloral, morphine, or hemlock.

Other influences causing local diversity in the kind and frequency of poisoning, are those of race, of religion, of age and sex, and the mental stress concomitant with sudden political and social changes.

In the ten years from 1883–1892, there appear to have died from poison, in England and Wales, 6616 persons, as shown in the following tables:—


Accident or Negligence. Suicide. Murder. Total.
M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.
Arsenic, 37 14 37 20 1 1 75 35
Antimony, 3 1 2 4 2
Copper, 4 1 2 1 6 2
Lead, 831 209 1 2 832 211
Silver Nitrate, 1 1
Zinc Chloride (or Sulphate), 7 4 11
Mercury, 22 11 16 8 2 1 40 20
Chromic Acid, 1 1
Iron Perchloride, 1 1
Alkaline Earths.
Lime, 2 1 2 1
Barium Chloride, 1 1
The Alkalies and their Salts.
Ammonia, 39 25 18 16 57 41
Caustic Soda, 3 4 1 3 5
Cau„tic Potash, 8 10 1 9 10
Potassic Chlorate, 1 1
Pot„ssic Bichromate, 2 2 7 3 9 5
Pot„ssic Bromide, 1 1
Pot„ssic Binoxalate (Sorrel), 1 3 1 4 2 7
Sulphuric Acid, 30 9 29 24 1 60 33
Nitric „ 18 7 18 9 36 16
Hydrochloric„ 48 18 83 55 131 73
Oxalic„ 17 6 114 86 131 92
Tartaric „ 1 1
Acetic„ 4 3 2 4 5
Carbolic „ 169 101 219 271 1 388 373
Hydrofluoric„ 1 1
Phosphorus (including Lucifer matches), 24 47 28 56 52 103
Iodine, 6 7 1 1 7 8
Volatile Liquids.
Paraffin (Petroleum), 9 2 1 10 2
Benzoline, 3 2 1 3 3
Naphtha, 1 1
Carbon Bisulphide, 1 1
Turpentine, 5 1 3 5 4
Methylated Spirit, 2 1 2 1 4
Alcohol, 81 24 1 2 82 26
Chloroform, 57 41 9 5 1 67 46
Ether, 5 2 5 2
Spt. Etheris Nitrosi, 1 1
Anæsthetic (kind not stated), 4 3 4 3
Oil of Juniper, 1 1
Opiates and Narcotics.
Opium, Laudanum—Morphia, 503 373 330 167 4 2 837 542
Soothing Syrup, Paregoric, &c. 18 22 2 3 20 25
Chlorodyne, 56 30 8 8 64 38
Chloral, 89 22 14 1 1 104 23
Prussic Acid, and Oil of Almonds, 17 11 203 19 2 8 222 38
Potassium Cyanide, 19 21 100 22 3 1 122 44
Strychnine and Nux Vomica, 22 21 65 85 4 4 91 110
Vermin-Killer, 2 6 49 69 1 52 75
Atropine, 2 1 3
Belladonna, 36 20 11 9 47 29
Aconite, 19 21 9 10 28 31
Ipecacuanha, 1 1 1 1
Cocaine, 3 3
Antipyrine, 1 1
Cantharides, 1 1 1 1
Camphorated Oil, 1 1
Croton Oil, 1 1
Cayenne Pepper, 1 1
Syrup of Rhubarb, 1 1
Colchicum, 2 2
Hemlock, 3 1 3 1
Water Hemlock, 5 6 5 6
Colocynth, 2 2
Castor Oil Seeds, 1 1 1 1
Laburnum Seeds, 2 1 2 1
Thorn Apple, 1 1
Yew Leaves or Berries, 3 2 3 2
Crow-foot, 1 1
Whin-flower, 1 1
Pennyroyal, 1 1
Meadow Crow-foot, 1 1
Arum Seeds, 1 1
Bitter Aloes, 1 1 2
Cocculus Indicus, 1 1
Horse Chestnut, 1 1
Creosote, 1 1
Spirits of Tar (Oil of Tar), 2 1 2 1
Nitro-Glycerine, 1 1
Camphor, 1 1
Tobacco, 4 1 5
Lobelia, 1 1
Fungi, 13 10 13 10
Poisonous Weeds, 2 2
Hellebores, 1 1 1 1
Kind not stated, 216 158 256 167 3 1 475 326
2498 1292 1644 1140 23 19 4165 2551
3790 2784 42 6616

Although so large a number of substances destroy life by accident or design, yet there are in the list only about 21 which kill about 2 persons or above each year: the 21 substances arranged in the order of their fatality are as follows:—

Actual deaths in ten years ending 1892.
Caustic potash 19
Poisonous fungi 23
Aconite 59
Mercury 60
Belladonna 76
Sulphuric acid 93
Ammonia 98
Chlorodyne 102
Alcohol 108
Arsenic 110
Chloroform 113
Vermin-killer 127
Chloral 127
Phosphorus 155
Cyanide of potassium 166
Strychnine 201
Nitric acid 204
Prussic acid 260
Carbolic acid 762
Lead 1043
Opiates 1324

In each decade there are changes in the position on the list. The most significant difference between the statistics now given and the statistics for the ten years ending 1880, published in the last edition of this work, is that in the former decade carbolic acid occupied a comparatively insignificant place; whereas in the ten years ending 1892, deaths from carbolic acid poisoning are the most frequent form of fatal poisoning save lead and opiates.

§ 21. The following table gives some German statistics of poisoning:—


Poisons, Their Effects and Detection

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