Читать книгу Poisons, Their Effects and Detection - Alexander Wynter Blyth - Страница 21



1. Blood poisons interfering with the circulation in a purely physical manner, such as peroxide of hydrogen, ricine, abrine.

2. Poisons which have the property of dissolving the red blood corpuscle, such as the saponins.

3. Poisons which, with or without primary solution of the red blood corpuscles, produce in the blood methæmoglobin; such as potassic chlorate, hydrazine, nitrobenzene, aniline, picric acid, carbon disulphide.

4. Poisons having a peculiar action on the colouring matter of the blood, or on its decomposition products, such as hydric sulphide, hydric cyanide, and the cyanides and carbon monoxide.

Poisons, Their Effects and Detection

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