Читать книгу Poisons, Their Effects and Detection - Alexander Wynter Blyth - Страница 8

862. Effects of Zinc, as shown by Experiments on Animals, 658
863. Effects of Zinc Compounds on Man—Zinc Oxide, 658, 659
864. Sulphate of Zinc, 659
865. Zinc Chloride, 659, 660
866. Post-mortem Appearances—Illustrated by Specimens in Pathological Museums, 660, 661
867. Detection of Zinc in Organic Liquids or Solids, 661, 662
868. Identification of Zinc Sulphide, 662
2. Nickel—Cobalt.
869. Experiments of Anderson Stuart on the Toxic Action of Nickel and Cobalt, 662, 663
870. Symptoms witnessed in various Classes of Animals after taking Doses of Nickel or Cobalt, 663, 664
871. Effects on the Circulation and Nervous System, 664
872. Action on Striped Muscle, 664
873. Separation of Nickel or Cobalt from the Organic Matters or Tissues, 664, 665
874. Estimation of Cobalt or Nickel, 665
IV. Precipitated by Ammonium Sulphide.
1. Iron.
875. Poisonous and Non-Poisonous Salts of Iron, 665
876. Ferric Chloride—Pharmaceutical Preparations of Ferric Chloride, 666
877. Effects of Ferric Chloride on Animals, 666
878. Effects on Man—Criminal Case at Martinique, 666, 667
879. Elimination of Ferric Chloride, 667, 668
880. Post-mortem Appearances, 668
881. Ferrous Sulphate, 668, 669
882. Search for Iron Salts in the Contents of the Stomach, 669, 670
2. Chromium.
883. Neutral Chromate of Potash, 670
884. Potassic Bichromate, 670
885. Neutral Lead Chromate, 670, 671
886. Use in the Arts, 671
887. Effects of some of the Chromium Compounds on Animal Life, 671
888. Effects of some of the Chromium Compounds on Man—Bichromate Disease, 671, 672
889. Acute Poisoning by the Chromates—Illustrative Cases, 672, 673
890. Lethal Effects of Chromate of Lead, 673
891. Post-mortem Appearances, 674
892. Detection of the Chromates and Separation of the Salts of Chromium from the Contents of the Stomach, 674, 675
3. Thallium.
893. Discovery of Thallium—Its Properties, 675, 676
894. Effects of Thallium Salts, 676
895. Separation of Thallium from Organic Fluids or Tissues, 676
4. Aluminium.
896. Aluminium and its Salts, 676, 677
897. Action of Alum Salts—Siem’s Researches—Alum Baking-Powders, 677, 678
898. Post-mortem Appearances, 678
899. Detection of Alumina, 678, 679
5. Uranium.
900. Poisonous Properties of Uranium Salts, 679
901. Detection and Estimation of Uranium, 679
V. Alkaline Earths.
902. Salts of Barium in Use in the Arts, 679, 680
903. Chloride of Barium, 680
904. Baric Carbonate, 680
905. Sulphate of Barium, 680
906. Effects of the Soluble Salts of Barium on Animals, 681
907. Effects of the Salts of Barium on Man—Fatal Dose, 681, 682
908. Symptoms, 682, 683
909. Distribution of Barium in the Body, 683
910. Post-mortem Appearances, 683, 684
911. Separation of Barium Salts from Organic Solids or Fluids, and their Identification, 684
Treatment, by Antidotes or Otherwise, of Cases of Poisoning.
912. Instruments, Emetics, and Antidotes Proper for Furnishing an Antidote Bag, 685, 686
913. Poisons Arranged Alphabetically—Details of Treatment, 687-700
Domestic Ready Remedies for Poisoning.
914. The “Antidote Cupboard,” and How to Furnish it, 701
Poisons, Their Effects and Detection

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