Читать книгу Poisons, Their Effects and Detection - Alexander Wynter Blyth - Страница 5

337. Separation of Nicotine from Organic Matters, &c., 278, 279
3. Piturie.
338. Properties of Piturie, 279
4. Sparteine.
339. Properties of Sparteine, 279, 280
5. Aniline.
340. Properties of Aniline, 280
341. Symptoms and Effects, 280, 281
342. Fatal Dose, 281
343. Detection of Aniline, 281
344. General Composition of Opium, 281, 282
345. Action of Solvents on Opium, 282, 283
346. The Methods of Teschemacher and Smith, of Dott and others for the Assay of Opium, 283, 284
347. Medicinal and other Preparations of Opium, 284-288
348. Statistics of Opiate Poisoning, 288, 289
349. Poisoning of Children by Opium, 289
350. Doses of Opium and Morphine—Fatal Dose, 289, 290
351. General Method for the Detection of Opium, 290, 291
352. Morphine; its Properties, 291, 292
353. Morphine Salts; their Solubility, 292, 293
354. Constitution of Morphine, 293, 294
355. Tests for Morphine and its Compounds—Production of Morphine Hydriodide—Iodic Acid Test and other Reactions—Transformation of Morphine into Codeine, 294-296
356. Symptoms of Opium and Morphine Poisoning—Action on Animals, 296-298
357. Physiological Action, 298, 299
358. Physiological Action of Morphine Derivatives, 299
359. Action on Man—(a) The Sudden Form; (b) the Convulsive Form; (c) a Remittent Form of Opium Poisoning—Illustrative Cases, 299-303
360. Diagnosis of Opium Poisoning, 303, 304
361. Opium-Eating, 304-306
362. Treatment of Opium or Morphine Poisoning, 306
363. Post-mortem Appearances, 306, 307
364. Separation of Morphine from Animal Tissues and Fluids, 307
365. Extraction of Morphine, 308, 309
366. Narcotine; its Properties and Tests, 309, 310
367. Effects of Narcotine, 310
368. Codeine—Properties of Codeine, 310, 311
369. Effects of Codeine on Animals—Claude Bernard’s Experiments, 311
370. Narceine—Properties of Narceine—Tests, 312, 313
371. Effects of Narceine, 313, 314
372. Papaverine—Properties of Papaverine—Tests, 314
373. Effects of Papaverine, 314
374. Thebaine; its Properties, 314, 315
375. Thebaine; its Effects, 315
376. Cryptopine, 315, 316
377. Rhœadine, 316
378. Pseudomorphine, 316
379. Opianine, 316
380. Apomorphine, 316, 317
381. Reactions of some of the Rarer Opium Alkaloids, 317
382. Tritopine, 317
383. Meconin (Opianyl), 317
384. Meconic Acid—Effects of Meconic Acid—Tests, 318, 319
1. Nux Vomica Group—Strychnine—Brucine—Igasurine.
385. Nux Vomica—Characteristics of the Entire and of the Powdered Seed, 319
386. Chemical Composition of Nux Vomica, 319
387. Strychnine—Microscopical Appearances—Properties—Medicinal Preparations—Strychnine Salts, 319-322
388. Pharmaceutical and other Preparations of Nux Vomica, with Suggestions for their Valuation—Vermin-Killers, 322-324
389. Statistics, 324-325
390. Fatal Dose—Falck’s Experiments on Animals as to the Least Fatal Dose—Least Fatal Dose for Man, 325-328
391. Action on Animals—Frogs, 328, 329
392. Effects on Man—Symptoms—Distinction between “Disease Tetanus” and “Strychnos Tetanus,” 329-331
393. Diagnosis of Strychnine Poisoning, 331, 332
394. Physiological Action—Richet’s Experiments—The Rise of Temperature—Effect on the Blood-Pressure, 332, 333
395. Post-mortem Appearances, 333
396. Treatment, 333
397. Separation of Strychnine from Organic Matters—Separation from the Urine, Blood, and Tissues, 334-337
398. Identification of the Alkaloid—Colour Tests—Physiological Tests, 337-339
399. Hypaphorine, 339
400. Quantitative Estimation of Strychnine, 339, 340
401. Brucine; its Properties, 340, 341
402. Physiological Action of Brucine—Experiments of Falck, 341, 342
403. Tests for Brucine, 342, 343
404. Igasurine, 344
405. Strychnic Acid, 344
2. The Quebracho Group of Alkaloids.
406. The Alkaloids of Quebracho—Aspidospermine—Quebrachine, 344
3. Pereirine.
407. Pereirine, 344, 345
4. Gelsemine.
408. Properties of Gelsemine, 345
409. Fatal Dose of Gelsemine, 345
410. Effects on Animals—Physiological Action, 345
411. Effects of Gelsemine on Man, 346
412. Extraction from Organic Matters, or the Tissues of the Body, 347
5. Cocaine.
413. Cocaine; its Properties, 47, 348
414. Cocaine Hydrochlorate, 348
415. Pharmaceutical Preparations, 348
416. Separation of Cocaine and Tests, 348, 349
417. Symptoms, 349
418. Post-mortem Appearances, 349, 350
419. Fatal Dose, 350
6. Corydaline.
420. Properties of Corydaline, 350
421. Varieties of Aconite—Description of the Flower, and of the Seeds, 350, 351
422. Pharmaceutical Preparations of Aconite, 351
423. The Aconite Alkaloids, 351
424. Aconitine, 351, 352
425. Tests for Aconitine, 352
426. Benzoyl-Aconine Properties—Recognition of Benzoic Acid, 353, 354
427. Pyraconitine, 354
428. Pyraconine, 354
429. Aconine, 355
430. Commercial Aconitine—English and German Samples of Aconitine—Lethal Dose of the Alkaloid and of the Pharmaceutical Preparations, 355-358
431. Effects of Aconitine on Animal Life—Insects, Fish, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals, 358-360
432. Statistics, 361
433. Effects on Man, 361
434. Poisoning by the Root (Reg. v. M’Conkey), 361, 362
435. Poisoning by the Alkaloid Aconitine—Three Cases of Poisoning, 363, 364
436. Lamson’s Case, 364, 365
437. Symptoms of Poisoning by the Tincture, &c., 365, 366
438. Physiological Action, 366
439. Post-mortem Appearances, 366, 367
440. Separation of Aconitine from the Contents of the Stomach or the Organs, 367, 368
1. Atropine.
441. The Atropa belladonna; its Alkaloidal Content, 368, 369
442. The Datura stramonium—Distinction between Datura and Capsicum Seeds, 369, 370
443. Pharmaceutical Preparations—(a) Belladonna; (b) Stramonium, 370, 371
444. Properties of Atropine, 371, 372
445. Tests for Atropine, Chemical and Physiological, 372-374
446. Statistics of Atropine Poisoning, 375
447. Accidental and Criminal Poisoning by Atropine—Use of Dhatoora by the Hindoos, 375, 376
448. Fatal Dose of Atropine, 376, 377
449. Action on Animals, 377
450. Action on Man, 377-380
451. Physiological Action of Atropine, 380
452. Diagnosis of Atropine Poisoning, 380
453. Post-mortem Appearances, 380
454. Treatment of Cases of Poisoning by Atropine, 380, 381
455. Separation of Atropine from Organic Matters, &c., 381
2. Hyoscyamine.
456. Distribution of Hyoscyamine—Properties, 381-383
457. Pharmaceutical and other Preparations of Henbane, 383, 384
458. Dose and Effects, 384
459. Separation of Hyoscyamine from Organic Matters, 385
3. Hyoscine.
460. Hyoscine, 385
4. Solanine.
461. Distribution of Solanine, 385, 386
462. Properties of Solanine, 386
463. Solanidine, 386, 387
464. Poisoning from Solanine, 387
465. Separation from Animal Tissues, 387
5. Cytisine.
466. The Cytisus laburnum, 387
467. Reactions of Cytisine, 388
468. Effects on Animals, 389
469. Effects on Man—Illustrative Cases, 389, 390
470. The Alkaloids found in the Veratrum Viride and Veratrum Album—Yield per Kilogram, 390-392
471. Veratrine—Cevadine, 392
472. Jervine, 393
473. Pseudo-jervine, 393
474. Protoveratridine, 393
475. Rubi-jervine, 394
476. Veratralbine, 394
477. Veratroidine, 394
478. Commercial Veratrine, 394, 395
479. Pharmaceutical Preparations, 395
480. Fatal Dose, 395
481. Effects on Animals—Physiological Action, 395, 396
482. Effects on Man—Illustrative Cases, 396
483. Symptoms of Acute and Chronic Poisoning, 396, 397
484. Post-mortem Signs, 397
485. Separation of the Veratrum Alkaloids from Organic Matters, 397
486. The Active Principle of the Calabar Bean, 397, 398
487. Physostigmine or Eserine—Properties, 398, 399
488. Tests, 399
489. Pharmaceutical Preparations, 399, 400
490. Effects on Animals—On Man—The Liverpool Cases of Poisoning, 400
491. Physiological Action, 401
492. Post-mortem Appearances, 401
493. Separation of Physostigmine, 401, 402
494. Fatal Dose of Physostigmine, 402
495. Alkaloids from the Jaborandi, 402
496. Pilocarpine, 402, 403
497. Tests, 403
498. Effects of Pilocarpine, 403, 404
499. Properties of Taxine, 404
500. Poisoning by the Common Yew, 404
501. Effects on Animals—Physiological Action, 404
502. Effects on Man, 404, 405
503. Post-mortem Appearances, 405
504. Commercial Curarine—Properties, 405-407
505. Physiological Effects, 407
506. Separation of Curarine, 407, 408
507. Contents of Colchicine in Colchicum Seeds, 408, 409
508. Colchicine—Method of Extraction—Properties, 409
509. Tests, 409, 410
510. Pharmaceutical Preparations, 410
511. Fatal Dose, 410, 411
512. Effects of Colchicine on Animals, 411
513. Effects of Colchicum on Man—Illustrative Cases, 411, 412
Poisons, Their Effects and Detection

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