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[30] Viz., the Königl. Charité, Allg. Städtisches Krankenhaus, Städtisches Baracken-Lazareth, Bethanien, St. Helwög’s-Lazarus, Elisabethen-Krankenhaus, Augusta Hospital, and the Institut für Staatsarzneikunde.

Males. Females. Total.
Charcoal Vapour, 77 78 155
Sulphuric Acid, 24 54 - 93
Hydrochloric Acid, 4 4
Nitric Acid, and Aqua Regia, 7
Phosphorus, 13 28 41
Cyanide of Potassium, 29 3 - 38
Prussic Acid, 5 1
Oxalic Acid, and Oxalate of Potash, 11 8 19
Alcohol, 12 2 14
Arsenic, 7 5 12
Morphine, 8 1 - 12
Opium, 2 1
Potash or Soda Lye, 2 6 8
Chloral, 3 4 7
Chloroform, 4 2 6
Sewer Gas, 5 5
Strychnine, 4 4
Atropine, 1 2 3
Copper Sulphate, 1 2 3
Nitrobenzol, 2 2
Carbolic Acid, 2 2
Chromic Acid, 1 1 2
Burnt Alum, 1 1
Ammonium Sulphide, 1 1
Datura Stramonium, 1 1
Petroleum, 1 1
Benzine, 1 1
Ether, 1 1
Prussic Acid and Morphine, 1 1
Prussic Acid and Chloral, 1 1
Turpentine and Sal Ammoniac, 1 1
223 212 435

Suicidal Poisoning.—Poisons which kill more than one person suicidally each year are only 19 in number, as follows:—

Deaths from suicide during the ten years ending 1892.
Potassic bichromate 10
Chloroform 14
Chloral 15
Chlorodyne 16
Aconite 19
Belladonna 20
Mercury 24
Nitric acid 27
Ammonia 34
Sulphuric acid 53
Arsenic 77
Phosphorus 84
Vermin-killer 118
Prussic acid 122
Hydrochloric acid 138
Strychnine 150
Oxalic acid 200
Prussic acid 222
Opiates 281
Phenol 290

In the ten years ending 1880, suicidal deaths from vermin-killers, from prussic acid, from cyanide of potassium, and from opiates were all more numerous than deaths from phenol, whereas at present phenol appears to be the poison most likely to be chosen by a suicidal person.

Poisons, Their Effects and Detection

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