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Criminal Poisoning.


§ 22. Some useful statistics of criminal poisoning have been given by Tardieu[31] for the 21 years 1851–1871, which may be summarised as follows:—

[31] Étude Médico-Légale sur l’Empoisonnement, Paris, 1875.

Total accusations of Poisoning in the 21 years, 793
Results of the Poisoning:—
Death, 280 - 872
Illness, 346
Negative, 246
Men, 304 - 703
Women, 399
Nature of Poison Employed:—
Arsenic, 287
Phosphorus, 267
Copper - Sulphate, 120 - 159
Acetate (Verdigris), 39
Acids - Sulphuric Acid, 36 - 47
Hydrochloric Acid, 8
Nitric Acid, 3
Cantharides, 30
Nux Vomica, 5 - 12
Strychnine, 7
Opiates - Opium, 6 - 10
Laudanum, 3
Sedative Water, 1
Salts of Mercury, 8
Sulphate of Iron, 6
Preparations of Antimony, 5
Ammonia, 4
Cyanides - Prussic Acid, 2 - 4
Cyanide of Potassium, 2
Hellebore, 3
Datura Stramonium, 3
Powdered Glass, 3
Digitalin, 2
Potash, 2
Sulphate of Zinc, 2
Eau de Javelle (a solution of Hypochlorite of Potash), 1
Tincture of Iodine, 1
Croton Oil, 1
Nicotine, 1
Belladonna, 1
“Baume Fiovarenti,” 1
Euphorbia, 1
Acetate of Lead, 1
Carbonic Acid Gas, 1
Laburnum Seeds, 1
Colchicum, 1
Mushrooms, 1
Sulphuric Ether, 1
Total, 867

It hence may be concluded, according to these statistics of criminal poisoning, that of 1000 attempts in France, either to injure or to destroy human life by poison, the following is the most probable selective order:—

Arsenic, 331
Phosphorus, 301
Preparations of Copper, 183
The Mineral Acids, 54
Cantharides, 35
Strychnine, 14
Opiates, 12
Mercurial preparations, 9
Antimonial preparations, 6
Cyanides (that is, Prussic Acid and Potassic Cyanide), 5
Preparations of Iron, 5

This list accounts for 955 poisonings, and the remaining 45 will be distributed among the less used drugs and chemicals.

Poisons, Their Effects and Detection

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