Читать книгу B.E.S. Dog Training Bible - Andrea Arden - Страница 12

Every Dog Needs a Job


All dogs need a job, regardless of their size, type, ancestry, or age. The goal in creating a job description for today’s pet dogs is to provide them with an outlet for their physical and mental energy. The easiest way to do this is by teaching skills that will become your dog’s job. Dogs that are occupied with doing the things we want have little time or energy for activities we don’t want them to do. As a result, the underlying canine and human relationship is enhanced.


Although dogs want to be accepted into our social groups, they don’t automatically understand the rules. They require our thoughtful guidance and an understanding of their needs as they learn to recognize and choose appropriate behaviors. Family members should discuss this and agree on an approach to training and a set of clearly defined goals for future reference.

Training not only enhances your dog’s well-being, it’s also an important social responsibility. Whether it’s fair or not, a dog’s conduct is viewed as a reflection of his family and their ability to be responsible owners.

Teaching our dogs to be well-mannered should not be seen as a desire to exert our will over them. It is vital to their safety and ensures that they will be warmly welcomed in their community and in our homes.

B.E.S. Dog Training Bible

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