Читать книгу B.E.S. Dog Training Bible - Andrea Arden - Страница 19

A Wolf Inside?


At one time, it was believed that studying the social behavior of wolves would provide insights into dog behavior. There are similarities between dogs and wolves, and wolf behavior can provide some insights into dog behavior. However, there are also vast differences. Observing the behavior of a group of wild animals cannot provide realistic information about coexisting with a domestic species in your home. This idea is overly simplistic and sometimes detrimental.

It was also discovered that many theories about wolf pack structure were inaccurate. Wolf packs are cooperative and complex social structures. Their behavior is designed to ensure the mutual survival of the group. Body language is used to maintain harmony and minimize confrontations. Actual fighting is rare, and active (voluntary) submission is far more common than forced submission, especially for puppies.

Unfortunately, misconceptions about the role of dominance and aggression in wolf packs have become ingrained in popular culture. It has been used to rationalize the use of punishment during training because people continue to accept the idea that properly disciplining a dog like an alpha wolf is the way to gain and maintain dominant status.

Setting and enforcing reasonable rules and boundaries is a far more effective and humane way to become your dog’s leader. Rather than intimidating him with brute force, help him follow the rules by controlling his resources. This way he learns to perceive his family as a support system. Adhering to his family’s expectations becomes his way to ensure his acceptance within his family and access to what he wants.


Training strategies based on the notion of attaining dominance over a dog range from dangerous to pointless. Maintaining control over a dog through intimidation and bullying is unjustified and likely to intensify behavior problems stemming from fear and aggression. Some dogs respond to this approach with justified confusion, mistrust, and fear. In order to protect themselves from further abuse, they may retaliate with any and all weapons at their disposal—including their teeth. Use your brain rather than inflicting pain to lead your dog.

B.E.S. Dog Training Bible

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