Читать книгу B.E.S. Dog Training Bible - Andrea Arden - Страница 9



As any pet parent will tell you, the sheer breadth of information available about teaching dogs can be overwhelming, contradictory, and therefore, utterly confusing. Trust your own instincts regarding the logic of any advice. Consider the potential side effects, both positive and negative, and how you suspect a specific approach might affect your dog and his relationship with you.

At the core, the process of teaching your dog should be about great friends sharing time together in an effort to facilitate better communication and understanding of one another. Being a good canine parent requires some education. Sometimes just a little will do, and sometimes people need what amounts to a Ph.D. in Dogology. Whichever the case, this book ensures you are on the right path—one where you can obtain the knowledge required to teach your canine companion in the easiest, most effective, and most enjoyable way possible.

This is not a book that needs to be read cover to cover. By all means, turn first to the pages that best apply to you. However, whether you are teaching basic manners or aiming to resolve behavior problems, have a puppy or senior dog, I also hope that you read the material that may not at first seem to be relevant to you and your dog. The behavior of resource guarding, for example, may never be an issue with your dog. But, every pet parent should know what it is and what signs to look for so they know if trouble is brewing on the horizon.

Perhaps most importantly, the next time your dog looks longingly into your eyes, consider that he is trying his best to understand you and what you want. The goal of this book is to equip you with the knowledge to respond to your dog with a better understanding of his unique perspective, needs, and motivations.

Take great pride that you have endeavored to learn more about the heart and mind of your dog. He will surely thank you with a bond and friendship like no other.

Andrea Arden

B.E.S. Dog Training Bible

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