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“Good Dog Myth”


Otherwise known as the “Lassie syndrome,” the “good dog myth” refers to the notion that dogs are innately motivated to please us and make us happy. Dogs that seem to have this propensity are considered “good dogs,” and those that don’t are labeled as “bad dogs.” Needless to say, many dogs fail to live up to these unrealistic expectations. Many people hope for a dog that is solely devoted to pleasing them. Unfortunately, this concept completely disregards the laws of nature. A survival instinct motivates most animal behavior, not the desire to please other animals. Most canine behavior is motivated by the desire to gain access to important resources like food, attention, and comfortable resting spots. The basic canine philosophy asks: What is in it for me right now? What is rewarding? What is safe? What is not? They can be manipulative and self-centered when trying to gain access to these resources, which is okay.


The word “manipulative” has serious negative connotations.

But, it need not imply a malicious intent. We habitually attempt to influence canine behavior, and dogs attempt to do the same with us. There is nothing wrong with this approach as long as it’s done fairly and responsibly. For instance, we use this approach to guide specific canine behaviors in a direction that we consider appropriate. For example, a dog may bark to gain attention or elicit a specific response from his owner, such as fixing his dinner. Essentially, the dog is trying to manipulate human behavior through barking. Alternatively, we can teach the dog to sit rather than bark to elicit the response of dinner service from his owner. In both situations, neither party is acting in a negative way; each party is simply negotiating social mores in order to get what he or she wants.

Well-mannered dogs do want to please people, but this is not motivated by an innate, altruistic drive. Through training, they learn that doing as we ask will increase their access to the things they find rewarding.

B.E.S. Dog Training Bible

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