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8 Evaluate your work-life balance


When in Cambodia, I stayed in a small town off the beaten track for a couple of weeks. I used to shop for food and snacks just around the corner, and there was always the same charming young lady working in the shop, no matter what time of the day I came. At times, 8 am or on other occasions 10 pm. So, one day I said to her, "You must be working many hours, you are always here." She replied with her tender voice and a genuine smile, "But I live here." It didn't seem to bother her at all. She seemed happy there in the house where her family lived. However, what we see in bigger cities worldwide, and almost generally in the west, is that work and life have become two things that are separated from each other. This creates some serious imbalance at times. Not to be motivated or to be unfulfilled has become the standard, while stress is becoming a big issue. We seem to have forgotten how to relax and recover. We add further activities in the hope to find peace. Unsurprisingly, talking about the burn-out syndrome has long been treated as taboo, but the question is if we can afford this in the long run.

Money may be compelling, but our health overrules money, since we cannot buy health once it's gone, as well as the life that is gone, can’t be brought back. Besides, an employee who is not balanced and healthy is not likely to perform well.

It may not be so obvious, but a musician needs a good feeling for silence to reach excellence. Our rest periods correspond to that silence, and altogether it may be like a rhythm that is in harmony with us.

To find balance in the midst of change, it may serve us to look at the four aspects; work, family, nature, and body. They will be explained later on. Just to give you an indication of where you may be at right now, please take some time to reflect on the following nine essential questions. They are not for me, but about the most important things in your life. Sincerely asking these questions to yourself, is far more important than reading this book. Chances are you have never reflected on your life like this. Do it now, because you are worth it! It will only take 15 minutes of your precious time.

The Power of Being

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