Читать книгу The Power of Being - Андреас Грубер - Страница 4

2 What the Power of Being is about


The Power of Being is about being human in a genuine way, as a universal principle beyond ideology, philosophy, and religion. It is an experiential approach on how to get the best out of our professional lives and thus live more fulfilled lives.

It is based on the assumption that being and doing are of equal importance. It embraces qualities we already have as human beings, but that may be latent or used in other contexts.

It is based on the simple fact, that we can’t buy the hearts of our employees, any more than we can buy true love. It acknowledges the fact that ultimately we are not even able to buy their brains, nor can we buy or order their loyalty or commitment.

Change will take place, whether we want it, like it or not.However, it makes all the differencehow we deal with it, and respond to it.

It is by design about motivation and inspiration, since it puts human qualities in focus, and emphasizes meaning, purpose, direction, and fulfillment as elementary human needs. It acknowledges that more than fifty percent of our employees are unfulfilled or demotivated at work, not only as a fact but as a message that we need to understand. It is the wisdom of the crowds speaking to us.

The Power of Being urges us to question whether our present strategies and behavior are still valid, for the organizations of the future. It encourages us to abandon what is obsolete about our lives.

It acknowledges the fact that most employees have the volition to contribute so much more than their bare hands, and what they are paid for. Most of them would not hesitate to contribute with their hearts and heads as well if we only knew how to access them. It encourages leaders to reflect on the present situation, to consider the odds of success, if things are done the way they are done now. It inspires not only to follow the intellect but also the heart.

The Power of Being claims that it is time to redefine leadership beyond intellectual knowledge, methods, and theoretical studies. It reminds us that in the midst of turbulent times, leaders not only need to embrace human qualities, but they also need to take the time to reflect, to be able and fit to lead. Good leaders also need to be able to look beyond themselves, in order to lead wisely.

The Power of Being

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