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The five main constitutional types are based around what is known as the theory of the Five Elements. Along with Yin and Yang, which are the two prime forces of the universe, Five Element theory underpins the whole of Chinese medicine.

Each of these Five Elements is associated with two main organs. We will discuss these organs and Elements in greater depth in this chapter and the later ones. All of us are born with one Element which is constitutionally slightly more imbalanced than the others.4 This imbalance causes us to have repetitive negative states or difficulties expressing certain emotions.

If we have an imbalance in the Element known as ‘Wood’, for example, this is connected with the Liver and Gall Bladder organs. The associated emotions have to do with anger and assertion. An imbalance on the other hand in the Lungs and the ‘Metal Element’ will tend us more towards emotions connected with grief and loss.

By knowing and understanding our constitutional imbalance or ‘type’ we can know where our main emotional imbalance lies. This is important because it enables us to specify the key areas where greater awareness and work on ourselves will pay the greatest dividends. If, for example, the inability to grieve is a key factor, then ‘working on our anger’ is not as useful as responding to our diminished capacity for grief. After all, much of the anger may be coming from the inability to experience or express our grief.

In order to understand these types better we’ll now find out more about the Five Elements.

Healing Your Emotions: Discover your five element type and change your life

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