Читать книгу Angielski. Gramatyka z ćwiczeniami. Wersja mobilna - Anna Treger - Страница 12



6. Uzupełnij wolne miejsca przedimkami a/an, the lub przedimkiem zerowym ø.


1. I am going to ______ opera on ______ Thursday.

2. My parents are planning ______ trip to ______ Sahara.

3. ______ best coffee is served at ______ Café Royal.

4. He is going to ______ hospital tomorrow for ______ scheduled check-up.

5. My brother loves playing ______ violin.

6. ______ High Street is one of the world’s finest streets.

7. We ordered ______ steak and ______ spinach salad. ______ steak was delicious but ______ spinach salad was awful.

8. How much are ______ grapes? One euro ______ kilo.

9. ______ K2 is ______ most difficult mountain to climb.

10. Every year millions of tourists go to ______ Alps to ski.

11. Take ______ bus 517 and get off at ______ second stop.

12. We stayed in ______ beautiful hotel near ______ Lake Victoria.

13. People go to ______ Hyde Park to speak their mind.

14. I went to ______ church to see ______ interior.

15. He pays him by ______ hour.

16. Shall we meet outside ______ Muranów Cinema?

17. My flatmate comes from ______ Ukraine.

18. Have you found ______ job for ______ summer yet?

19. ______ young are trying to outsmart ______ old.

20. Robin Hood lived in ______ Sherwood Forest.

7. Uzupełnij dialog przedimkami a/an, the lub przedimkiem zerowym ø.


A: Take 1 ______ good look at 2 ______ man over there!

B: Where?

A: By 3 ______ window. 4 ______ one in 5 ______ blue coat.

B: Isn’t he 6 ______ famous traveller?

A: Yes, he is. He has just come back from 7 ______ expedition to 8 ______ south of 9 ______ Sudan.

B: Of course I know him. He has made lots of documentary films and film series for 10 ______ Channel 1.

A: 11 ______ few days ago I heard him talk about his rough travel plans to 12 ______ Africa from 13 ______ May to 14 ______ June next year.

B: He must have seen 15 ______ whole world. What 16 ______ extraordinary man he is! There are so many questions I would like to ask him.

A: What questions?

B: Like how do we go about planning for 17 ______ trip or what is 18 ______ best way to get around?

A: Well, go and ask him. You may never have 19 ______ chance again.

Angielski. Gramatyka z ćwiczeniami. Wersja mobilna

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