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Social inequality in the ninth edition


The issue of social inequality has been and remains so fundamental to sociological studies that it may legitimately be said to infuse all of its specialist fields. For this book, that means every chapter contains some discussion of inequalities. However, some of these are more systematic and focused than others, and these sections are listed below:

Chapter 1, ‘What is Sociology?’ – Karl Marx on class-based inequality, conflict theory in sociology and an introduction to feminist theories of gender inequality

Chapter 3, ‘Theories and Perspectives’ – Marx versus Weber on social class, introduction to intersectional analysis of inequalities

Chapter 4, ‘Globalization and Social Change’ – inequalities of historical societies, discussion of the terminology used to discuss global inequalities, Wallerstein on inequality in the world system

Chapter 5, ‘The Environment’ – environmental justice campaigns, environmental racism, global warming and inequality, the social class base of environmental politics

Chapter 6, ‘Global Inequality’ – all aspects of global inequality, focusing on the Global South

Chapter 7, ‘Gender and Sexuality’ – gender inequality in detail, theories of gender inequality, intersectional analysis, LGBTQ+ civil rights

Chapter 8, ‘Race, Ethnicity and Migration’ – inequalities of race and ethnicity throughout, theories of racial inequality, intersectional studies of race and ethnicity

Chapter 9, ‘Stratification and Social Class’ – stratification and social inequalities throughout

Chapter 10, ‘Health, Illness and Disability’ – health inequalities, class, race and ethnicity, disability and health

Chapter 11, ‘Poverty, Social Exclusion and Welfare’ – defining poverty, social groups at risk of poverty, social exclusion

Chapter 12, ‘Social Interaction and Daily Life’ – gender inequality and everyday sexism

Chapter 13, ‘Cities and Urban Life’ – racism and urban poverty, Harvey on uneven development in the Global South, urban surveillance and inequality, urban unrest

Chapter 14, ‘The Life Course’ – gender socialization and inequality, ageism and inequalities in old age

Chapter 15, ‘Families and Intimate Relationships’ – gender inequality and housework

Chapter 16, ‘Education’ – social division in education, theories of cultural reproduction and inequality, global inequalities and the colonial legacy in schooling and education, digital inequality

Chapter 17, ‘Work and Employment’ – gender inequality at work, job insecurity and the gig economy, trade unions and inequality

The starkest form of global inequality is between the countries of the Global South and those of the Global North, which owes much to the damaging legacy of colonialism. There is a significant movement, known as postcolonialism, which looks to understand the many ways in which European colonialism helped to shape the pattern of global inequality, and studies from this movement are also represented across the book.


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