Читать книгу Sociology - Anthony Giddens - Страница 20

The digital revolution


The third theme is the digital revolution, which has facilitated global connectivity and transformed almost every aspect of the way we live, work and enjoy our leisure time. Younger ‘digital’ generations take for granted the opportunities for communication that were, often literally, science fiction fantasy to their parents and grandparents. The internet, worldwide web, social media, smartphones, robotics, artificial intelligence, and much more are reshaping our world. Relentless microprocessing development makes personal computers so powerful that each one has more computing power than that available to entire corporations just thirty-five years ago.

Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and the use of ‘big data’ are also gathering pace, enabling the emerging ‘Internet of Things’: smart devices with multiple functions, made possible by superfast Wi-Fi. We are entering a world of entirely automated factories, driverless cars, deliveries by remoteoperated drone, domestic robots and automated systems in the home, AI-generated media content, and much more. What will be the impact on work when tasks and even whole jobs can be performed without human beings? The most basic question, ‘how can we make a living?’, is raised anew once factory workers, taxi drivers, journalists and doctors all see part, or all, of their role taken from them. We may still be at the foothills of the digital revolution, but the book covers its potentially profound consequences for every individual and all societies.


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