Читать книгу Sociology - Anthony Giddens - Страница 5

List of Classic studies


1 Chapter 1Classic studies 1.1 Emile Durkheim’s study of suicide

2 Chapter 2Classic studies 2.1 The social psychology of prison lifeClassic studies 2.2 Theda Skocpol’s comparison of social revolutions

3 Chapter 3Classic studies 3.1 Neo-Marxism: the Frankfurt School of critical theory

4 Chapter 4Classic studies 4.1 Immanuel Wallerstein on the modern world-systemClassic studies 4.2 Anthony Giddens: riding the juggernaut of modernity

5 Chapter 5Classic studies 5.1 Ulrich Beck and the global risk societyClassic studies 5.2 Modelling the limits to economic growth

6 Chapter 6Classic studies 6.1 Demographic transition theoryClassic studies 6.2 Walt Rostow and the stages of economic growth

7 Chapter 7Classic studies 7.1 Uncovering sexual diversity in the USAClassic studies 7.2 Connell on the dynamics of the gender order

8 Chapter 8Classic studies 8.1 Institutional racism – the Stephen Lawrence InquiryClassic studies 8.2 Patterns of mobility in the new age of migration

9 Chapter 9Classic studies 9.1 Marx on class and revolutionClassic studies 9.2 John Goldthorpe and the EGP class schema

10 Chapter 10Classic studies 10.1 Talcott Parsons on society’s ‘sick role’

11 Chapter 11Classic studies 11.1 Peter Townsend on poverty and deprivationClassic studies 11.2 T. H. Marshall and the evolution of citizenship in Britain

12 Chapter 12Classic studies 12.1 Erving Goffman – ‘all the world’s (a bit like) a stage’Classic studies 12.2 Harold Garfinkel’s experiments in ethnomethodology

13 Chapter 13Classic studies 13.1 The metropolis and mental lifeClassic studies 13.2 Urbanism as a way of life

14 Chapter 14Classic studies 14.1 George Herbert Mead – Mind, Self and SocietyClassic studies 14.2 Nancy Chodorow: attachment, separation and gender identities

15 Chapter 15Classic studies 15.1 Talcott Parsons on the functions of the familyClassic studies 15.2 From social institution to family practices

16 Chapter 16Classic studies 16.1 Basil Bernstein on language and social class

17 Chapter 17Classic studies 17.1 Ann Oakley on housework and the housewife roleClassic studies 17.2 Harry Braverman on the degradation of work in capitalist economies

18 Chapter 18Classic studies 18.1 The elementary forms of the religious life

19 Chapter 19Classic studies 19.1 ‘Bad News’ from the Glasgow University Media GroupClassic studies 19.2 Jürgen Habermas – the rise and fall of the public sphere

20 Chapter 20Classic studies 20.1 Stephen Lukes – a ‘radical view’ of powerClassic studies 20.2 Neil Smelser on understanding social movementsClassic studies 22.2 Stan Cohen’s folk devils and moral panics

21 Chapter 21Classic studies 21.1 Norbert Elias – on the process of civilizationClassic studies 21.2 Carl von Clausewitz, On War (1832)

22 Chapter 22Classic studies 22.1 Robert Merton and the failing American dreamClassic studies 22.2 Stan Cohen’s folk devils and moral panics


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