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Her husband’s expulsion from his Modh Vania caste brought wrenching changes to Kasturbai’s life. As Mohan’s immediate family, she and Harilal were included in his excommunication ban. It was as if she had suddenly been set adrift in an ocean.

To help fill the void created by Mohan’s absence, and make the long months pass more quickly, Kasturbai had counted on taking her little son to Porbandar for regular visits with his maternal grandparents. But since the Kapadia family was also Modh Vania, she and Harilal were, in effect, disobeying caste injunctions whenever they visited her parents in Porbandar.

Her nights were long and lonely. Thanks to little Harilal, her days were full and sweet.

From today’s perspective, when I examine the Hindu culture of that time, I cannot help but note how many facets of that culture were reflected in their later endeavours in reshaping the world in which they lived. Bapu and Ba boldly challenged certain accepted beliefs and outworn customs of their Hindu heritage. But they also found creative new uses and powerful new meanings for many other ancient practices of Hinduism. That, I believe, may be the ultimate measure of their success and effectiveness as reformers. How natural was Bapu’s lifelong concern about the minutest details of day-to-day living: food, clothing, cleanliness, health care? How inevitable was his concern for diet as political testimony? How inescapable his dedication to fasting as a moral enterprise? How valid was his emphasis on the self-reliance achieved through such household activities as spinning and weaving, and how ingenious was his transformation of these everyday tasks into declarations of independence?

Above all, how crucial was Ba’s alliance with him in these matters? Her active participation in her husband’s experiments came gradually, but it grew steadily. It was always an authentic expression of her own beliefs and experiences, her own sensibilities.

In the end Ba was able to translate his teachings as no one else could; into a simple, sometimes silent, always straightforward message that reached the minds and touched the souls of untold millions of women. Through Ba, women in the remotest villages of India learned that they too could be an integral part of their nation’s struggle for self-determination.

Putliba Gandhi, however, was no ordinary widow, and her family was no ordinary family. By her very presence she still commanded love and respect. Her position in the household had remained unchanged, even after her oldest son Lakshimidas succeeded her husband as head of the joint family. Putliba participated with her sons in all family decisions. Her daughters-in-law still looked to her for guidance in housekeeping duties.

Kasturbai found particular comfort in her relationship with Putliba; there was an empathy between them. Though not a widow, as such, Kasturbai was without a husband. She also was aware of a great void in her life during the years Mohan was away. She knew that her mother-in-law missed Mohan too. Putliba often remarked on how the lively, mischievous little boy, Harilal, reminded her of Mohan at the same age. There was so much to learn about being a mother, and so much she had to teach Harilal.

As the months passed, Kasturbai became ever more conscious of substantial changes in the Gandhi family’s financial circumstances. When Karamchand was Prime Minister, he had kept the house filled with visitors. After his death, the entertaining had stopped. Kasturbai’s brothers-in-law found it difficult to earn the money needed to maintain the household in accustomed comfort. Now there were still more mouths to feed. During the years Mohandas was in London, a second daughter was born to Nandkunwar and Lakshimidas, and Ganga and Karsandas became the parents of a baby girl. Mohandas’ expenses were higher than expected. In the end, his three years in London would cost more than twice the original estimates, sending the family further into debt.

Kasturbai was acutely aware that she and Harilal were as dependent on her brothers-in-law as were their own wives and children. Before long, she found herself trying to make whatever small savings she could. She had to forget the ways of her comfortable girlhood. New clothes were out of the question. She could borrow a sari from her sisters-in-law if she wanted to give some variety to older clothes. In any case, without her wedding jewels, she could not dress as elegantly as she once had. Kasturbai also tried to cut down on her intake of food, following the example of Putliba who had always insisted on being the last in the family to take food. Sometimes when there were unexpected guests, she ate just cooked rice and milk. Kasturbai decided as long as there was plenty for Harilal to eat, she could do with less.

Her only indulgence was making sweets to send to Mohan in London. Made with wheat flour, molasses and clarified butter, golpapadi was one of the few confections that could survive the long ocean voyage to England. Mohan had a special fondness for golpapadi.

To Kasturbai, England remained a mysterious unknown territory — a land of myth and fantasy. It was difficult for her to place Mohan in that landscape and to picture in her mind what he was doing, where he was living, and whom he was seeing. Mail in India of that period was never private. In this case it could not be since Ba could not read. This hardship was, we are sure, the hardest for her to bear. It is surely the most difficult for us to fathom.

Mohan’s letters were mostly addressed to his brother Lakshimidas. The only news of Mohan that filtered down to Kasturbai was conveyed to her by her sister-in-law, titbits of information Nandkunwar gleaned from Lakshimidas.

Sometime during Mohan’s second year away from home, he sent his family a photograph of himself. When Putliba showed the portrait to Kasturbai, she was amazed and bewildered. Could that be her Indian husband, pictured in half-profile, unturbaned, wearing the dark European-style suit, the white shirt with stiff wing collar, the bow tie, slightly askew? Could that strange, grave-faced young man with the deep-set eyes, the full sensuous lips, and the sleek black hair so meticulously combed and parted, be Mohan the father of little Harilal? It was as if she had never seen him before. Then she noticed the familiar protruding right ear and was oddly comforted. Yes, it was her Mohan. But from then on, each time she looked at the photograph, she thought about a day to come when she and her husband would meet again. Would she know him then?

The shy, eager student named Mohandas Gandhi, 19 years of age, disembarked at Southampton in the autumn of 1888. He was dressed in Bombay’s best which had been chosen for the occasion. Like a true innocent abroad, he soon discovered, to his mortification, that he was possibly the only man in England on that chilly autumn day who was wearing a white flannel suit. It was the first of many shocks he would suffer in his encounters with an exotic new culture.

The knowledgeable, stylishly attired barrister named Mohandas Gandhi who sailed for home three years later nearly 22 years of age in the summer of 1891, was a man of many parts. An accomplished scholar, he had mastered Latin and French, and earned a college degree. A professional man, he had completed law studies, been called to the bar, and was enrolled in the High Court. A man of the world, he was a reasonably competent bridge player, and had received instruction in social dancing, violin playing, and public speaking. A seasoned traveller, he had visited the Great Exhibition in Paris where he had passed judgement on its greatest wonder, the Eiffel Tower. “I do not know what purpose it serves,” he wrote. “It was the toy of the Exhibition.”

Kasturbai’s husband obviously underwent some remarkable changes during his three years overseas. That the outer Mohan changed more than the inner Mohan was not so immediately apparent. But what we find most significant when we review the record of my grandfather’s years in London is that the transformations were, for the most part, wrought by his own will, through his own initiative, and with an outpouring of effort, energy, and perseverance that was truly extraordinary.

The first changes were superficial — alterations of style, appearance, and deportment made during his early months abroad. On his first day in London, Mohan was greeted by Dr. P. J. Mehta, a family acquaintance from Bombay and an experienced expatriate. Dr. Mehta smiled at the sight of the white flannels, but he frowned when a curious Mohan reached out to stroke the smooth glossy fur of the top hat he was wearing. The good doctor proceeded to outline some of the strange rules of European etiquette that every self-respecting young Indian in London had to learn.

“Do not touch other people’s things,” Dr. Mehta said. “Do not ask questions as we do in India on first acquaintance. Do not talk loudly. Never address people as ‘Sir’ while speaking to them, as we do in India; only servants and subordinates address their masters that way.”

Once settled in suitable lodgings in West Kensington, and enrolled for his law studies at the Inner Temple — of the four Inns of Court it was the one favoured by most Indian students — the ever-inquiring Mohan was keen to learn more about the social graces. He undertook what he later described as “the all-too-impossible task of becoming an English gentleman.” At considerable expense, he bought new clothes, including a top hat, an evening suit made in Bond Street, a morning coat, a double-breasted waistcoat and dark striped trousers, silk shirts and ties, patent leather shoes with spats, leather gloves, and a silver-mounted walking stick. He spent hours before a mirror, combing and parting his unruly hair, and teaching himself to tie a cravat. He even wrote home and asked his “good and noble-hearted brother” to send him a double gold watch-chain. Lakshimidas obliged.

Then came private instruction in ballroom dancing, violin lessons and tutoring in elocution to fit into English society.

Within a few months, however, came the sobering realisation that he was rapidly depleting funds earmarked for his legal (not his social) education. Remembering his family responsibilities, Mohan asked himself (as in the case of the Eiffel Tower) just what purpose was being served. What use would these accomplishments be back home in India? Retrenchment began. He cancelled the lessons and sold the violin he had bought; but he was too practical-minded to discard his new clothes.

He left the boarding house and moved into less costly rented rooms where he prepared his own economical meals which featured large quantities of oatmeal porridge and hot cocoa. To save money, he began walking about London. Thus began my grandfather’s enthusiasm for walking very fast — a habit which would persist for a lifetime. I still recall how I had to scurry to keep up with him when I visited India as a boy. As a self-imposed curb against any further splurging, he kept scrupulous accounts. He took time each night to list every farthing spent during the day, even minuscule expenditures for postage stamps, shoelaces, and the like. Meticulous bookkeeping also became habitual. In later years my grandfather handled public funds with such accuracy and economy that accounts of the movements he led often showed a surplus balance. Finally, he turned his full attention to serious education.

In Mohan’s case, such education continued to include a good deal more than what he was learning in his law studies at the Inner Temple. To improve his English, he spent an hour each day reading the Times and the Daily Telegraph. Still mindful of his dismissal by Mr. Lely, the British resident in Porbandar, for lack of a college diploma, Mohan enrolled in private tutorial classes where he learned French and Latin and gained enough knowledge of the sciences to earn his bachelor’s degree by passing the difficult London Matriculation Examination (on his second try) in June of 1890. All the while, he was keeping up with the regular curriculum of study at the Inner Temple, where he used his newly-acquired skills in languages to read the entire book on Roman Law in Latin. Few students were so conscientious. Most relied entirely on “cramming” notes to prepare for final examinations, a practice Mohan considered fraudulent. Besides, he had invested good money in the textbook.

As if all this were not enough, Mohandas was also getting what may have been, for him, the most consequential kind of education England then had to offer. It was an education both religious and political in nature, one that allowed him to measure values of his own ancient Eastern culture against the most socially-advanced Western thought.

It began serendipitously four or five months after he arrived in England, when he was struggling hard to keep his sworn vow to avoid meat. One day, while walking along Farringdon Street not far from the Inner Temple, a somewhat homesick and very hungry Mohandas stumbled upon one of the few vegetarian restaurants then in existence in central London, and certainly the first he had seen. There he enjoyed his first satisfying meal since leaving India. And there he made his first contact with members of the Vegetarian Society, a small band of English freethinkers bent on re-evaluating all the settled norms of Victorian society — like the Jains or Vaishnavas of India, these men and women were opposed to the killing of animals for food. As opposed, indeed, as Putliba or Kasturbai.

That restaurant, The Central, soon became Mohandas’ regular eating place — his club, his bookstore. The people he met there were a part of the worldwide group of reformers who extolled the economic as well as the health benefits of vegetarianism, and declared it to be the only humane and morally defensible diet for all of humankind. He became a true convert; or, as he later described it, a “vegetarian by choice.” He attended their conferences, wrote for their publications (an article about India appearing in The Vegetarian was his first published writing), and was elected to their executive committee, even though he still became nervous and tongue-tied whenever he rose to speak in meetings.

The Theosophists* in their assessment of the world’s religions, were especially drawn to Hinduism. Two theosophist vegetarians, surprised at Mohandas’ admission that he had never read the Bhagavad Gita either in the original Sanskrit or in a Gujarati translation, asked him to join them in studying The Song Celestial, an English translation of the classic Hindu epic by Sir Edwin Arnold who was already known to Mohandas as a distinguished fellow member of the Vegetarian Society. This introduction to one of the great sacred scriptures of his own religion moved Mohandas deeply.

His religious curiosity aroused, Mohandas read further. He learned about the life of the Prophet Mohammed, spiritual hero to millions of his Muslim countrymen. What impressed Mohandas, even more than the stories of the Prophet’s bravery, were the accounts of his simplicity, his austerity — how Prophet Mohammed fasted, mended his own shoes, patched his own cloak. During this same period, at the urging of a Christian vegetarian, Mohandas was reading the Bible for the first time. He plodded through the Old Testament, disliking especially the Book of Numbers. But the New Testament made a lasting impression on him — especially the “Sermon on the Mount” in which he heard an echo of the Hindu teaching on the virtues of renunciation. Its message of turning the other cheek, not resisting evil, also called to mind some familiar lines of Gujarati poetry he had memorised as a child, an oft-quoted poem which concluded:

…the truly noble know all men as one,

And return with gladness good for evil done.

Mohandas Gandhi, a young man in pursuit of his destiny, seemed to be rediscovering India in England.

India, of course, and those who were waiting for him there, had never been far from his thoughts. Awareness of his family was a constant burden. Mohandas wondered if he would be able to fulfill all their expectations when he returned home.

* A group founded in 1875, derived from the beliefs of Brahmanism and Buddhism, but which denied the existence of personal gods.

Daughter Of Midnight - The Child Bride of Gandhi

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