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ā as in father hāc, stās ă like the first a in aha´, never as in hat ă´-măt, că-nās ē as in they tē´-lă, mē´-tă ĕ as in met tĕ´-nĕt, mĕr´-cēs ī as in machine sĕr´-tī, prā´-tī ĭ as in bit sĭ´-tĭs, bĭ´-bī ō as in holy Rō´-mă, ō´-rĭs ŏ as in wholly, never as in hot mŏ´-dŏ, bŏ´-nōs ū as in rude, or as oo in boot ū´-mŏr, tū´-bĕr ŭ as in full, or as oo in foot ŭt, tū´-tŭs

NOTE. It is to be observed that there is a decided difference in sound, except in the case of a, between the long and the short vowels. It is not merely a matter of quantity but also of quality.

[Footnote 2: Long vowels are marked ¯, short ones ˘.]

«6.» In «diphthongs» (two-vowel sounds) both vowels are heard in a single syllable.

Latin for Beginners

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