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«c» is always like c in cat, never as in cent că´-dō, cĭ´-bŭs, cē´-nă «g» is always like g in get, never as in gem gĕ´-mō, gĭg´-nō «i consonant» is always like y in yes iăm, iŏ´-cŭs «n» before c, qu, or g is like ng in sing (compare the sound of n in anchor) ăn´-cŏ-ră (ang´-ko-ra) «qu», «gu», and sometimes «su» before a vowel have the sound of qw, gw, and sw. Here u has the value of consonant v and is not counted a vowel ĭn´-quĭt, quī, lĭn´-guă, săn´-guĭs, suā´-dĕ-ō «s» is like s in sea, never as in ease rŏ´-să, ĭs «t» is always like t in native, never as in nation ră´-tĭ-ō, nā´-tĭ-ō «v» is like w in wine, never as in vine «vī´-nŭm», «vĭr» «x» has the value of two consonants (cs or gs) and is like x in extract, not as in exact «ĕx´-trā», «ĕx-āc´-tŭs» «bs» is like ps and «bt» like pt «ŭrbs», «ŏb-tĭ´-nĕ-ō» «ch», «ph», and «th» are like c, p, t «pŭl´-chĕr», «Phoe´-bē», «thĕ-ā´-trŭm»

a. In combinations of consonants give each its distinct sound. Doubled consonants should be pronounced with a slight pause between the two sounds. Thus pronounce tt as in rat-trap, not as in rattle; pp as in hop-pole, not as in upper. Examples, «mĭt´-tō», «Ăp´pĭ-ŭs», «bĕl´-lŭm.»

Latin for Beginners

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