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Steve Northfield and his wife had just finished a rare home dinner when his government cell phone rang. The chief of the FBI, Roland Franks and Northfield exchanged pleasantries for a moment and Franks informed him there had been progress on the minuteman investigation. An operative in Montana had identified the man who was stirring up the Para-military organizations across the West. There had been no confirmation of his identity yet, but the operative was working on it. Apparently he was just known as the walker. He’d chosen to hide his identity. That made him a possible terrorist threat as far as Steve Northfield was concerned.

“Thanks for informing me Roland. We may have something to go on here. It sounds like he may fit the terrorist profile.”

“No, actually. Our informant says he gives speeches to these organizations in which he espouses no military action against the government. He envisions a high state of readiness in the event of foreign invasion.”

“Ha! That's the biggest bunch of crap I've ever heard. How can he be trying to organize groups that are basically anti-government and not contemplate the violent overthrow of our government?”

“He claims that if the organizations can be combined cohesively they will comprise a huge political force, sort of like that fragmented Tea Party thing, only certainly not as fragmented.”

“Roland, see if you can get the finest list of detail on our guy and let me know as soon as it happens.”

“Okay Steve, but listen, this guy has a lot of apparent and shadow political power already from some of our representatives and at least one Senator. They believe that if you're anti-gun in this country, then you're pro-China. You know that! We need to be very careful with this one.”

“Yeah, yeah Roland. Thanks for the info, see you in the funnies.”

Stephen's wife of thirty four years asked demurely, “Who was that hon?”

“Oh it was just Roland Franks handing off some information on a possible terrorist.”

She shook her head absent mindedly never taking her eyes from her magazine, “When will this stuff ever stop?”

“I know baby, I know.”

The Face of Freedom

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