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The walker hadn't enjoyed himself so much in quite a while, but the burr under his saddle was getting worse. He’d retired to his small room and was mentally going over his presentation when someone knocked. The old hound woofed quietly and began wagging his tail. He asked the guest to come in and was pleased with the visage of Julie with a tall, pleasantly handsome young man in tow.

“Hi Mr. Walker, I'd like you to meet my brother Duncan Parker. He just got here from Great Falls. He said he actually got into some flurries coming over the mountains.” Hugging his arm like a monkey and looking up at him admiringly she added. “I hope I can find someone as good as him someday.”

He faked embarrassment and “unmonkied” himself to shake hands with the walker.

“I've heard a lot about you. Probably more than you could guess. I have a lot of feedback from lumber people all over ... the West practically. I guess you're pretty well known in Utah huh?”

“I'm honored Duncan. I really don't keep up with where I'm known. I'm not important, the movement is. Have you heard one of my speeches ... some call them sermons though they're not meant to be?”

“Yeah, I heard one in Utah, near Provo, about a year ago. I was sort of sweet on a girl in Provo who I’d met while at a building materials conference in Salt Lake about two years ago.”

Julie spouted out, “Sandra! I knew you were sweet on her. Oops, I'm sorry, go on.” she giggled. She got solemn after her outburst and the whole room seemed to take on her demeanor. Duncan volunteered, “We have to do something about our government, but no one knows what. I’ve thought about it almost incessantly ever since your speech. I keep seeing an armed overthrow, but I know that would bring down the good with the bad. I can't see a way out, because as a people, we’ve gotten too fragmented, and it works in favor of the politicians.

“In fact, they perpetuate it. They court certain segments like Latinos, African Americans, gays, and the poor. They tell them they’re fighting for their rights and what they’re actually fighting for is to stay in their ‘cushy’ jobs at any cost. Meanwhile, the way I see it the real demons are being overlooked. China’s taking over our economy with the permission of most politicians and yet China is still getting billions of dollars in foreign aid from many countries. I'm sure there are kickbacks there; the foxes are watching the hen house. I'm almost certain we’re going down the tubes, but see no way to stop it.”

“Wow, you can take over for me anytime Duncan. You’re essentially right. I hope you’ve researched some of those disastrous statistics. I know you didn't finish college, but did you take any economics?”

“Oh, yeah, it seemed pretty straight forward to me at the time, but there are a lot of things happening now that redefine those parameters.”

“Yeah, there certainly are, and we don't need to rehash the hash. We’re in big trouble. Now, what I'm about to say is only a possibility, but it may actually come to an armed overthrow! No politician, including your father is going to give up his or her seat without a fight. The majority of politicians are attorneys and despite all the jokes about attorneys you may have heard and read; they are a formidable group. They can be your best friend or worst enemy and they do it all with the demeanor of an executioner. That's because most of them have left their conscience in the dust somewhere on the path to the capitol. They’ll fight tooth, nail and dollar bill to keep their positions. Unfortunately, many Americans have come to worship the dollar so much they even worship those with money, even if they’ve stolen it, and even if they’re elected corrupt politicians. It’ll be a challenging task to take back this country.”

Duncan asked, “How are we supposed to formulate a plan with so many variables?”

“We erase as many of the variables as we can.” Seeing doubt in the young faces, he went on, “Basically, I believe most people still respect the declaration of independence and the constitution; omit most politicians if it serves their cause. What I’m saying is that most people still want and need a certain level of economic security, freedom from unnecessary government intervention and freedom to worship the way they want. It makes no difference whether they are black, brown, red or white; homo, hetero or bi; everyone wants a fair shake. Trouble is; some of them want it handed to them, whereas some will work for it.

“Politicians tend to cater to those who’ll vote for a handout, and they do it by increasing government programs that take from the ones who work and give to the ones that do not. That’s the radical’s credo and it has to be stopped. The good thing is that most of us who will work, will also work to save our country. We just have to convince those Americans who would normally balk at our type of movement, to join us. That way we remove several variables and tear down barriers of misconception, prejudice and religious intolerance. If we agree on just a few tenants of freedom, we start marching in the same direction.”

“How do we convince Hispanics, African American and even non-fascist Muslim Americans to ... come on board or to even get close enough to listen?”

“Well, that’s where leadership comes in. There are so few people willing to lead and take the reins of government without eventually selling out to the intoxicating effects of power. If we could just recruit a handful of those people we’d be on the way. That’s why I try my best to find the true leader of the groups I visit. They aren’t always visible, but they are the only ones who can truly lead, and be led by a properly elected higher authority.”

“Are you the one who will eventually lead us in this ... what, revolution?”

“No! I’m too old and as soon as the government finds out who I am I’ll be arrested or killed. I often ponder which!”

Julie objected first while her brother seemed to be in deep thought. She said, “Horse crap! First you’re not too old. Seems to me like you’re the only one around here with the balls to do what’s right. What has the government got on you that makes you think you’ll be arrested?”

“Or killed!”

“Okay, or killed!”

“Well, one of the things a government can do is discredit their enemies. At best they’ll try to discredit me.”

Duncan came alive with, “How do we elect or otherwise select these leaders?”

“My God, it’s so easy Duncan. Look around you. Who do you know that exhibits, and lives by leadership principles or traits? If they do, they’ll make an outstanding leader. Think of everyone in your life who’s a good or bad leader. You’ll see what I mean. The good leader is usually a reluctant one, because he or she knows the extreme weight of the responsibilities of leadership. The bad ones don’t give a damn about the people they’re responsible to, and for. They just enjoy the benefits of the position. They’re easy to spot. Just go to D.C. and you’ll see plenty of examples.”

“I never really thought about other people living up to those ethics. I try to live my life based on those general ideals, but it’s extremely difficult to be fair and think about how you’re treating other people all the time.”

“Okay, you’re a first lieutenant in the National Guard, right?”

“Right, State ... ”

Waving his hand for emphasis, the walker stopped him in mid-sentence. Assume you’re in combat. How does that change the way you look at those principles!”

“Well, hell that’s different.”

“No, it’s exactly the same as combat. When you’re a leader, elected or otherwise, you must live by those standards. They’re so simple and so true. Think about them for a second. Would you want a leader that is a slob, a coward ... indecisive, undependable, lazy, droll ... unremorseful, a crook, unjust, ignorant ... verbally abusive or selfish? Yeah, I have to think about them too. It’s a no-brainer.”

Julie took the floor after a few seconds, “Duncan is like that. I mean he lives like that. I worry sometimes that he’s too much a leader to be in love.”

“Oh, keep your trap closed little sister. Everyone doesn’t have your looks or brains, or feminine wiles to get him by.”

Julie punched him in the arm, “Yeah, he’s married to Dad’s business. That’s where he demonstrates his leadership. That’s why he’s making Dad so much money and keeping him in the state legislature.” She exaggerated with big eyes aimed at the walker, “It takes biiig moooney to keep daddy away you know.”

The walker asked, “Are you worried about your dad interfering in the business?”

“Oh yeah, I am. Dad’s a good guy, but he lets people get away with stuff. One of his managers was robbing us blind, and everyone knew it ... I think Dad knew it, but was unsure of himself when it came to firing the guy. Once I convinced him to fire the guy, I followed up with charges that got him a heavy sentence, but no jail time. The rest of the staff closed ranks behind Dad and me then, because the guy had been threatening everyone with bodily harm if he was ratted out. Everyone was glad to see him go. Now, if someone is suspected of theft, we put a camera on them and it usually pays off. It’s very rare though.”

“How does your dad keep getting elected?”

“I don’t know ... I… .”

Julie interrupted, “Like Duncan said, Dad’s a great guy and he knows the ins and outs of politics. He’s a wheeler dealer when the time’s right. He arranges stuff for his district on ‘you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours’ agreements. He doesn’t always vote his conscience, but he always votes his district. That gets him re-elected.”

The walker said, “If everyone sacrificed their conscience for their constituents we shouldn’t be in this mess Julie.”

“No, I guess not.”

Duncan said, “So, what do you think Julie and I can do? We’re just out of diapers, so to speak.”

“Did you ever see a movie called Red Dawn?”

“No, did you Julie?”

“I read the book! It was about a bunch of teenagers that practically destroyed the Russian and Cuban Armies via guerrilla tactics in Idaho I think ... or New Mexico!”

“Actually it was supposed to be in Colorado, but it doesn‘t make any difference. My point is that young people like you usually fight the wars of this world. The movie emphasizes the effect that partisans or militia groups can have. It highlights the need for a citizen force like we already have in the U.S.; except ours is fragmented. You’re at the crux of this effort. No one can have any greater effect than young people like you two. I’d feel validated if people just like you could take up the banner if something happens to me. I feel too much lately like a one man band.”

Duncan said, “Well I hadn’t thought about that aspect. We expect you to be a one man band I guess, and ... expected you to be the leader of the movement if there is one, or going to be one. I don’t know what to say. I’m rel …” Smiling then, “I was going to say I’m reluctant to take over any leadership role. I guess I do know the responsibilities are heavy.”

Julie giggled, sheepishly and was quickly lost in thought as her brother looked long and hard at her.

After a long thoughtful pause, “I don’t want anything to happen to Julie. What if this stuff comes to combat?”

“I don’t think it will. That’s precisely why we need to build a powerful political base. Guys like your dad are our best hope in the short run. In the long run, we need to elect real leaders. We need to seek them out and elect them based on personal attributes not personal wealth.”

“You think that’s possible?”

“I sure hope so Duncan. I’m risking my life on it now!”

“As much as I enjoy talking to you two, I have to adjust my ’sermon’ a bit for tomorrow, and I am getting old… .”

Julie hopped up first, “Well I guess we’ll see you at breakfast old man? Be careful if you go out tonight. I hear Mrs. Lazenby is prowling in her cougarly way.”

Duncan said, “Julie, this isn’t a time for jokes”

“It’s always a time for jokes bro’. Let’s go.” holding out her arm for Duncan to take.

He took it, bade the walker farewell and they both left quietly.

The old dog rose to see them out; looked at the walker questioningly and walked to the door. He turned around and if he could have spoken; would have said, “I gotta pee.” The walker took the hint and they let themselves out together. They passed quietly by several small gatherings and heard the murmur of life and love and plans for the future. He hoped that young people like Julie and Duncan would have command of their future.

He and Teddy went deep into the woods to relieve themselves. On the way back the old dog began to wag his tail and trotted on ahead of the walker. He stopped at a tree and looked up into the face of Isadora Lazenby. She bent down to pet the old hound. The walker was trapped.

He had only seconds to decide whether to shoot himself, or to face Isadora. He decided on the latter and approached her. She smiled up at him in the dim moonlight. He caught the full impact of her subtle perfume and saw she was dressed conservatively in blue jeans and un-tucked, loose-fitting western shirt. Her hair was up in a tight bun and she didn’t look like a floozy at all. She was actually beautiful standing there awaiting his comment. He said, “Good evening Mrs. Lazenby.”

She responded quietly with, “Please keep your voice down Mr. Walker. My name is not Mrs. Lazenby, and it sure as hell isn’t Isadora. My name is Jenetta Denzine and I’m an FBI plant. I want to pass some information to you, because in the course of my job I will soon find out who you are, and what your mission is. I believe I know your mission since I’ve overheard two of your conversations so far and believe you’re sincere. I happen to agree with your mission, if it’s honest.”

He usually caught on fast, but was caught off guard by her demeanor, her revelation and not a little by her beauty. He said, “I’m just a little slow on the uptake Agent Denzine. Please pardon me if I ask what two conversations you overheard. The impromptu discussion the other night and …?”

“Your conversation with the Parker kids.”

“So how long have you been recording?”

“Long enough to know you love animals and young people.”

“I see. Well, what are your instructions?”

“I don’t have any instructions walker. I just want you to know that I and mine are on your side. I’m here to let you know you’re being watched. My boss thinks you have a great message. However, he’s taken an oath to serve and protect. Right now it’s tearing the hell out of his beliefs. I feel for him, but I know he’ll have your name and fingerprints before the week is out, because that’s his duty. He’ll pass on the information to Homeland Security and then to the President. You can be labeled a terrorist threat if DHS thinks it appropriate.”

“I’ve known from day one that someone would pick me up. I thought it would be sooner I guess. I have a mission too and I can’t stop due to this.”

She looked down for an instant, then back to his waiting eyes, “I know. I’m looking forward to your speech tomorrow night despite my mission. I want to warn you, your picture has already been taken and it’s on the way to FBI recognition. When you leave here, make sure you don’t tell anyone where you’re going next.”

“I don’t know where I’m going next! I usually get that information the day of my departure. I know it sounds crazy, but these groups are tough to find in Montana. I’m surprised you came to this one. How long have you been here agent Denzine?”

“Too damn long! We knew you’d come this way because of the Parkers, and Ridge’s relationship to the governor.”

“I didn’t even know Representative Parker until I got here. Meeting him and his family was just a pleasant accident.”

She looked away, slowly shook her head, and then looked at him again squarely. I’ve been putting up with Ralph Lazenby for six months, so I guess I’m fortunate that you came along when you did. My mission was you and now … well we’ll see.”

“It must have been tough on you playing the dull, whatever.”

“No, it hasn’t been easy, but it has its rewards. For instance, the way you looked at me tonight. You gave me instant ... well almost instant credibility when you saw the way I really am. I’ll be glad to get out of here, but imagine if you were preaching a different tune. I didn’t know what you were until you arrived. None of us did. We’d heard a lot of second hand information from other groups, but still … .”

“I do appreciate the heads up, but a lot of your credibility was broadcast by Teddy here. He seems to like you a lot.”

“He’s a mutt like me. See you around Mr. Walker ... or whatever your name is. God I hope you’re not a mass murderer or something.”

“See you Agent Jenetta Denzine.”

He and Teddy made a large loop around the compound watching for anyone watching them. They didn’t see anyone to wag their tails at or bark at, and they soon made their way into the room again. For the first time in years he felt comfortable in a room. He lay down to contemplate why, and soon fell asleep. There were no dreams, save one.

The Face of Freedom

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