Читать книгу The Face of Freedom - Benjamin Vance - Страница 2


The Face of Freedom

Copyright 2012 by Benjamin Vance

www. BenjaminVanceBooks. com

World rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any

form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,

recording or otherwise for public use, including Internet

applications, without the prior permission of the author except

by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be

printed in a magazine, newspaper or on the Web.

Edited by Stephanie D. Dykehouse and Shela Lynn Thurston

Cover design and interior layout by Brandi Hollister

Mullins Creative, www. MullinsCreative. com

Published by Benjamin Vance Books

www. BenjaminVanceBooks. com

Converted by http://www. eBookIt. com

ISBN-13: 978-0-9859-1683-1

This novel is dedicated to

all present and past Freedom Fighters

who have saved their peoples or nations,

against all odds

and against all detractors who,

in the face of adversity,

said it couldn’t be done.

It is dedicated to

those who protect the rights of others,

whether they be human or animal.

It is dedicated to

those who consider themselves

custodians of the earth,

are concerned that

our only home

is being abused,

and who fight for a clean earth

and battle to protect its species.

It is dedicated to

those who always strive for

honor and integrity,

despite the absence of notoriety,

fame or fortune,

And it is dedicated to my wife,

who still reminds me

to seek the best in people.

The Face of Freedom

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