Читать книгу The Face of Freedom - Benjamin Vance - Страница 14



Morning was eventful. He arose early, turned out his light, showered and shaved and laid out his black pajamas for the evening. He and Teddy went to breakfast. There seemed to be a swell of people in the mess hall. Neither Mrs. Parker nor Julie were anywhere to be seen. He got his breakfast from the other familiar female faces, properly thanked them and sat to eat. He asked permission to sit at a table with two empty seats. It was given freely and he was made to feel at home with friendly conversation and good food. He was asked if he was a long time member. He simply stated that he was new. Then he found most of the table members were from another county and another militia group. They were here to listen to the walker who was to make a presentation that very night. He said he overheard it was scheduled.

After breakfast and Teddy being fed, he wandered around the compound, concerned and confounded by the number of people arriving. He eventually found the Parkers in the auditorium adjusting seating and arguing loudly about how many chairs and benches could be found throughout the compound. When he was finally noticed, all faces turned to him. Of course Julie was the first to speak, “This is entirely your fault you know (grinning from ear to ear)! We’re not going to have enough seats to sit everyone.”

He said, “How long have you folks been in here?”


“Well, if you look outside and in the mess hall ... sorry; dining room, you’ll find you’ll need three buildings this size. Why don’t we move outside?”

“It might rain!”

“It won’t rain!”

“How do you know?”

“Because you would melt and no fair God would melt you!”

Everyone laughed, Julie stuck her tongue out at him and all began to walk to the door and look outside.

Altrise exclaimed the walker was right, “But how in the devil did all these people get the word?”

No one knew. Then Julie ran out and started to ask people. She reported back that it had been in the Tribune yesterday. The ad said there would be a patriot giving a presentation at this location and all interested groups were invited to attend. That was a direct invite to militia groups state wide and even farther.

The walker immediately thought of the politician in Ridge Parker.

Mrs. Parker was the one who rose to the occasion. She started rallying all the permanent members she could find, and made them messengers. She wanted to know how many people at present had brought food and liquids; she wanted to know how many were arriving per minute so that she could estimate how many would finally be there. She also wanted to know if any of them brought the newspaper article and what time it said the walker would speak. She sent out twenty runners and ordered them to be back in 30 minutes. Meanwhile, she made an estimate of her own and sent four young men and a credit card to Whitefish to get groceries. They would get the list telephonically when she got the information she needed.

The figures started coming in. There would be about nine-to-eleven hundred people based on the fact that almost everyone thought the speech was at noon. Altrise joked that the number was only about nine hundred more than she expected, and wondered out loud if the truck could carry that much food from Whitefish. The saving grace was almost all of the Montanans had brought food and water. It was just part of their emergency kits, always carried in truck or SUV, most of which were four wheel drives. Then the bad news arrived in the form of the advertisement. The Tribune article was in an innocuous place for the general population, but for most militia group members the ’personal’ column always announced a meeting or party or shoot off. This time it gave directions and GPS coordinates.

That didn’t go over well with the full time members. Altrise posted the ad on the mess hall bulletin board. Still, the people kept coming. By noon there were people milling everywhere. Altrise and assistants had arranged a public address system outside, near the large clearing toward the center of the compound. Most small assemblies were families and/or groups of individuals from other militia groups. Most were content to arrange themselves in an area claimed for the purpose of best seeing the podium, wherever it might be erected.

Once the PA system was operational Altrise called on her son to announce that the walker was not scheduled to speak until 5:00 p.m. Duncan rose to the occasion and took the microphone after conferring with the walker. He greeted all the folks cordially, and announced the walker would commence his speech at 1:00 p.m. if everyone was agreeable. There was a big affirmative yell from the majority of the folks.

Duncan noticed it was getting cloudy when he looked at his watch, which told him there were two hours remaining until the speech. He worried they might not make it. The walker knew it wouldn’t rain and began to prepare for his time with the folks who’d arrived; hungry for his message. They would leave well fed in many ways.

Julie took a vote of one and began playing some of her country western mix songs over the PA system. With very few exceptions, everyone settled in to wait on the walker’s speech. From time to time there would be an announcement from either the Parkers, or from one of the other groups. There were several representatives from the Freedom Force Rangers group and one of them let the other folks know they’d hosted the walker last week and it was very fruitful. He let it be known he spoke for the Rangers when he announced they would be amenable to talks with any other group that was sincerely interested in saving our constitution or otherwise arranging for talks or political contributions or whatever. Several other groups made similar overtures that day. Then it was time for the walker.

He prayed and he hoped his speech would be taken as intended. He donned his pajamas and without introduction walked out into the bright of day, Teddy tagging behind until he saw Julie. He walked over and plopped down beside her without any regard for what was about to happen.

Several of the Freedom Force Rangers and two other groups stood up and started to applaud this strange man in the black pajamas. Everyone’s attention was then riveted on what they had assumed before this time would be a super human figure. No one expressed disappointment outwardly. Then his speech started with an apology, and he had their attention throughout.

They yelled, they affirmed, they cried openly for their country, and they asked questions for three hours. It didn’t rain. He didn’t drink water and he didn’t tire. He surprised even himself. When he was finished, over a thousand people with weapons or with immediate access to weapons stood and applauded. No one tried to kill him or others. They coalesced into one group at that moment. They were a mere thousand, but represented twenty thousand, and would influence, tutor or mentor thousands more.

He watched from the sidelines as they grouped and talked. Mrs. Parker took the podium then as he left to change and perhaps to get a drink of water. Teddy followed. Altrise introduced her husband, who was met with real applause only after he announced supper would be served at 6:00 p.m. He then kept his announcements and pronouncements to a minimum, and asked if a representative or two from each group present could meet with the walker in the assembly hall after supper. A wave of yells and affirmation swept over the crowd and suddenly all turned away from the podium as if on cue, to start preparing for what was to come and to elect the individual to attend the meeting after supper.

The Face of Freedom

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