Читать книгу Tech Trends in Practice - Бернард Марр, Bernard Marr - Страница 41

Improving People’s Sight


 Ocumetrics has created a Bionic Lens that claims to give wearers vision that’s three times better than what we’d normally consider perfect (i.e. 20/20) vision. The Bionic Lens comes folded up, like a taco, and is implanted into the eye in a quick, painless procedure – after which it unfolds itself over the eye in a matter of seconds, immediately correcting your sight.9 If the lens becomes widely available, pending clinical trials, it could make glasses and regular contact lenses a thing of the past.

 Elsewhere, Samsung has been granted a patent for smart contact lenses that are capable of taking photos and recording video. The design also includes motion sensors, which would allow wearers to control devices with eye movements.10 If Samsung does end up making the lenses, they could become a serious challenger for smart glasses, such as Google Glass (see augmented reality, Trend 8).

Tech Trends in Practice

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