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Danger, the spur of all great minds.


c. 1559–1634

CHILDREN LOVE DANGER. Most of them court it because it is exciting. Out of sight of their parents they do all the dangerous things that adults have warned them not to do. Some children never grow up and as adults still seek out the danger in life. If the results are positive and eventually turn them into responsible human beings with a touch of the child within, then it is fine. But so many are irresponsible and leave others to pick up the pieces. If you fall into the latter category, read on.

Visualisation: You are sitting in the middle of a field, enjoying a family picnic when you decide to climb an old oak tree. The family urge you not to do it. The children say you are too old, which spurs you on even more. Your wife says nothing. But for one split second, as you look at her, you see for the first time the misery behind the façade, and you know that you have been the cause of all the unhappiness. You climb down and sit beside her, and say, ‘I have just realised that I don’t have to prove anything.’ Her eyes look questioningly at you. ‘Because,’ you reply, ‘you have achieved more in your life than I have with my stupid escapades.’ She begins to cry. You make her a promise that from that moment on you will think only of her and try to erase the bad memories.

Affirmation: I must be responsible for my own actions and think of others whilst so doing.

A Mind of Your Own

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