Читать книгу CBD For Dummies - Blair Lauren Brown - Страница 8



Getting high isn’t the only reason to dip your toe into hemp or cannabis-derived products. Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant, has proven to be a powerful medicine for dozens of different ailments. From rheumatoid arthritis to menopause, CBD is proving to be a missing link in formerly dire and nearly untreatable medical circumstances. And less bleak circumstances, like a lack of sexual excitement or lowered libido, are also being investigated as conditions that CBD can remedy. No matter the source of your curiosity, CBD For Dummies can help you leap from uninformed consumer to confident and competent CBD advocate.

About This Book

Many people think of themselves as cannabis experts, but their knowledge base may come from faulty sources. Movies like Pineapple Express and How High create narratives that the plant is dangerous or magical. And your old college roommate who has a friend of a friend who bakes pot cookies probably isn’t a top-tier source, either.

This book focuses on the ins and outs of CBD, with its psychedelic cousin THC playing more of a minor role. My goal is to give you a foundation to make informed decisions as a consumer on how to treat ailments (specifically found in Part 3 of this book) and improve your life with the help of CBD. If you’re more advanced than a complete newbie, that’s great! You’ll find some sections to be intuitive or obvious. I also dive into a series of recipes (found in Part 4) so that you can start using CBD in your home, in formats that are familiar, with recipes for facial products, and others for edible treats for you and even your pets. I hope to also give you new insights into the cannabis industry, relevant legislation, medicinal history and applications, and even recreational mediums.

Note: As you build your repertoire of cannabis knowledge, remember that none of the advice in this book can replace a consultation with a medical professional. Additionally, although I explore many different delivery methods, the CBD vehicle that will give you the best experience is completely up to you. You’re not a carbon copy, and CBD isn’t one-size-fits-all.

Foolish Assumptions

I’ve made a few assumptions about you as I’ve written this book:

 You want to try CBD and are curious about alternative medicines. You know that you prefer a more naturopathic approach to wellness and are hoping to transition from traditional pills and potions to a more holistic solution.

 You recognize that CBD is a huge industry with many different opinions and options on how to get started. You’re willing to take the time to tailor your CBD treatment method to your lifestyle and other unique points of consideration.

 You’re willing to form your own opinions, using diligent research and soliciting credible consultations. You know that the only expert on your body is you and accept that no rules apply everywhere without exception.

 You realize that all that glitters isn’t gold. You recognize that, as in any industry, some CBD companies are more reputable or trustworthy than others.

Icons Used in This Book

Throughout the book, I use a handful of icons to point out various types of information. Here’s what they are and what they mean:

Think of this icon as the little star you may draw next to important items on your grocery list. It marks areas that are great reference points to commit to memory.

This icon points out tidbits of information that are interesting but not essential. If you’re in a hurry or into speed-reading, you can skip paragraphs marked with this icon and still be just fine.

The Tip icon is for actionable blurbs of advice and sometimes brand or product recommendations.

This one is essentially a “Slippery When Wet” road sign. Use this icon to avoid unnecessary pitfalls.

Beyond the Book

The Cheat Sheet is an awesome way to explore bite-sized information on some of the most important points about getting acquainted with CBD. This little freebie is definitely worth a gander.

To access this Cheat Sheet, simply go to www.dummies.com and search for “CBD For Dummies Cheat Sheet.”

Where to Go from Here

The great thing about this book is that you can start anywhere. Just mosey on over to the table of contents or index to identify your topic of interest and begin reading.

If you’re not quite sure what CBD is and why it may positively impact your body in a supplementary form, Chapters 2 and 3 give you a complete overview of CBD and what its functions are.

On the other hand, if you feel like you want to get a sense of how to find the right delivery method for you, go straight to Chapter 7.

On the other hand (you’ve got three hands, right?), if you want to get started whipping up some customized recipes, your best bet is to visit Part 4.

Whatever the case, please approach the book with a sense of open-mindedness and enjoyment. Remember, you’re here to have fun and to get great information. It’s go time!

CBD For Dummies

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