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“Knowles is the best kind of introverted friend: she affirms and supports the introvert’s nature, while also challenging the reader to live the best life possible—a life that embraces both independence and the capacity to love. A wise and insightful work.” —Laurie Helgoe, Ph.D., author of Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength

“Brilliant and a must-read for introverts and extroverts alike who have a desire to strengthen their relationship! Brenda’s ability to blend research, personal experience, and new insights into practical guidance for the reader are sure to benefit any relationship. I highly recommend it!” —Bill Zajac, Author, Unbeatable Marriage

“Brenda offers sanctuary to countless bewildered gypsy introverts, so tirelessly trying to participate fully and wholly in an extrovert’s world. At last a book that talks directly to the introvert, offering a safe, calm place to exhale and be seen, providing an amalgam of wisdom drawing from critical psychological theory (kudos for attachment theory!), creativity, case studies, widely researched contemporary scholars, writers (and countless readers of her blog!), combined with Brenda’s welcoming presence and personal journey, whose pages open wide, directly into the heart of each and every reader. I’m grateful for her gifts.” —Roxanne Sadovsky, MA, MFA, CMHC

“Brenda Knowles is one of the most gifted writers working on behalf of introverts today. Her book is a must-read for all those who seek to deeply understand the challenges of living with high sensitivity and an introverted temperament. From intimacy and relationships to self-soothing and self-actualization, Knowles covers it all. I wish I’d had this book in my arsenal of personal growth tools twenty years ago.” —Lauren Sapala, author of The INFJ Writer and writing coach

“Brenda’s new book has given me such a deep perspective on the hidden dynamics that happen between lovers. I have come to understand many of the unconscious patterns that play out in my own relationship through her wisdom. As a sensitive introvert, I found myself captivated by the maturity of principles that Brenda so easily explains. I would recommend this book to anyone who is in a relationship and also to those who are looking for love.“ —Melissa Panero, MelissaPanero.com and “Beautifully Vulnerable” podcast

“Initially, Brenda’s blog post “Introvert Relationships: Love Me or Leave Me But Please Don’t Need Me (Too Much)” drew me to her and her writing, as she is able to express almost verbatim the thoughts in my head as a highly sensitive person and introvert.”—“Her subsequent coaching has been a tremendous help for me…she has gently nudged me by providing her extensive research and experiences to grow and flourish as an introvert in this world.” —Julia, longtime reader and coaching client

“Brenda has been a go-to voice of encouragement and wisdom from early on in my journey of discovering what it means to be a highly sensitive introvert. She brings calmness and a positive, celebratory approach to help us understand ourselves better and truly thrive from within our busy and overstimulating lives. For me personally, she has provided tools to nurture better, closer, and more fruitful relationships with others, and has inspired me to develop a revolutionary self-care practice in my life.” —Andy Mort, andymort.com, singer, songwriter, podcaster and gentle rebel

“We spend tons of energy trying to make relationships work, often at the expense of being who we are authentically. Brenda’s Practices help connect the dots of our experiences, thoughts, feelings, failures and achievements, from child to adult, gently guiding our highly sensitive and introvert selves to a more integrated and healthy way of living and being in relationships.” —Dawn Allred, founder of The Outspoken Thoughts of an Introvert

“Brenda’s in-depth knowledge and her own experiences makes you feel like you are not alone. It’s so relatable. In this book The Quiet Rise of Introverts: 8 Practices for Living and Loving in a Noisy World. Brenda does an immaculate job of expressing and capturing the souls of introverts and extroverts, and how we both deal with each other in relationships. Introverts want love just as much as extroverts do, but we want a quiet kind of love, where we are heard and understood.“ —Ms. M, longtime reader of space2live

“Introverts yearn for intimacy and gulps of alone time. Brenda helps us navigate these conflicting desires, gently tugging you forward to find acceptance, peace and finally home.” —David Kanigan, Live & Learn blog

“Brenda shares personal experiences in a way that makes it very easy to connect her coaching to your own experiences. Many sections of this book felt as though they were written just for me.” —Mark Konietzko

“Through honest personal experience and thorough research, Brenda Knowles offers hope and important insights for introverts and extroverts alike.” —Eleanor Miller, LMFT

“If the world is like a turbulent ocean, then this book is like a submarine—deep, well-structured and based on science. A perfect transport for those who love quietude!” —Martynas, introvert-inspiration.com

“Brenda changed my life and gave me hope and insight at a time when noise was drowning out my thoughts and being. An extremely powerful, insightful and factual read for introverts, extroverts and couples. Excellently written by a very gifted Brenda Knowles.” —Niko Pienaar, longtime reader of “space2live”

“We can all benefit from Brenda’s heartfelt teachings and stand a much greater chance at thriving in the romance department. I am grateful for having the chance to absorb these teachings now and only wish this book had existed twenty years ago when I first began my embarrassingly awkward journey into the dating world.” —Mike Geronsin, author A Practice of Power, owner Pitch Fever Music Academy

“Knowles has written a soothing and informative book for all who find themselves challenged and overstimulated by today’s endless demands. In The Quiet Rise of Introverts: 8 Practices for Living and Loving in a Noisy World, she offers thoughtful, effective advice that comes from her own personal experience as an introvert, as well as her professional experience as a personal and relationship coach.” —Jonice Webb, PhD, author of Running On Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect

“Brenda writes with a warmth and honesty that will make you feel you’ve been drawn into an intimate conversation over coffee that only the two of you are sharing. Her words have helped me understand myself better, and will change the way I approach my relationships.” —Jenn Granneman, Creator of introvertdear.com and author of The Secret Lives of Introverts: Inside Our Hidden World

The Quiet Rise of Introverts

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