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Last year, I gazed at the fire,This year I'm burnt kabob.Thirst drove me down to the waterWhere I drank the moon's reflection.


I felt very much like a burnt kabob when I first unraveled the Mr. X betrayals. Even if your breakup didn't leave you burned to a crisp, it's impossible not to be singed when you experience loss, with little pieces of your heart set ablaze. As a Superhero of Love, you must take a two-pronged approach to these fires: first soothe and cool the crazy firestorms, then feed the Mighty Flame that powers you. This chapter will show you the difference between these two sources of fire, because one will take you down, while the other will build you up.

Crazy firestorms are those times when we feel out of control, angry and on edge, or caught in repetitive negative thinking. These firestorms can be adrenaline-pumping yet energy-depleting wild fires that wreak havoc and destruction on our hearts and minds. They can burn so deep and wide that they lead to depression, unshakable sadness, apathy, or self-loathing. And they can start and spread without you even noticing.

The Mighty Flame, however, is peaceful, easily focused, and gently warming to the soul. It is where joy and contentment reside. When your Mighty Flame burns bright, you can be vulnerable and powerful at the same time because you know your guiding light is love. You can be present, in your skin. You feel ease, not dis-ease or discomfort, with what is so. You experience the gentle flow of love in and out—no matter what the circumstance.

Crazy firestorms and the Mighty Flame are opposites, yet they both require the same vigilant attention. Firestorms spark repetitive negative thoughts, frenetic energy, confusion, hopelessness, mental chatter, reaching outward, and anger that won't quit. The Mighty Flame, on the other hand, encourages peaceful centeredness, calm, clarity, hope, mental quietude, reaching inward, and joy.

Superhero of Love

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