Читать книгу Superhero of Love - Bridget Fonger - Страница 9

Note to You, Superhero


Superheroes come in all shapes, sizes, and sexes. After all, heartaches have no gender or weight bias. So whatever your gender or sexual orientation, please translate anything you consider a “heterosexual chick” reference in this book into whatever works for you. I didn't attempt to accommodate everyone when I spoke about my ex-boyfriend by changing every “he” to “he/she/they,” or by changing the word “men” to “men/women/they.” Instead, I invite you to translate for yourself if “straight woman” is not your native language.

Also make your own adjustments to my references to God, Spirit, or the Divine. This book is meant to be accessible and meaningful for everyone: atheist, agnostic, Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, or whatever faith or creed you may carry in your heart. Here you will find references to many different schools of thought, and I don't want any of them to be a barrier that prevents you from getting all you can out of this book. Whatever you consider to be a guiding force in your life is perfect.

At one point in my life, the word “God” made me bristle. Now, I think of love as my access point to God. But please don't let my references to God cause you to retreat from the basic tenets of this book. My hope and my intent are that the message is accessible and meaningful to everyone. If something I say bugs you, try to let it roll off your heart in a gentle way. I offer you the following word to say in response to anything you may find here that falls outside your own set of beliefs: Swaha, which is a Sanskrit word that means “so be it.”

When tending sacred fires in India, Brahmin priests sing mantras as they make offerings of rice, ghee, and flowers. At the end of each mantra, they intone “Swahaaaa!” as the offering is dramatically, lovingly thrown into the sacred fire. This moves me every time I hear it, because it feels as if they are saying: “Dear sacred fire, I release this to you with love!” So, please throw whatever doesn't work for you in this book into the sacred fire.

Superhero of Love

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