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Zonal Arrangement of Minerals Related to Igneous Rocks


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Evidence is accumulating in many mining districts that ore deposits of these igneous associations were deposited with a rough zonal arrangement about the igneous rock. At Bingham, Tintic, and Butte (pp. 204, 208, 235), copper ores are on the whole closest to the igneous rock, and the lead, zinc, and silver ores are farther away. Furthermore, the quartz gangue near the igneous rock is likely to contain minerals characteristic of hot solutions, while farther away such minerals as dolomite and calcite appear in the gangue, suggestive of cooler conditions. In Cornwall (p. 262), tin ores occur close to the intrusives, and lead-silver ores farther away. The gradations are by no means uniform; shoots of one class of ore may locally cut abruptly across or through those of another class.

The existence of zones horizontally or areally arranged about intrusives suggests also the possibility of a vertical zonal arrangement with reference to the deep sources of the solutions. Of course when secondary concentration from the surface, described later, is taken into account, there may be a marked zonal distribution in a vertical direction, but this is not primary zoning. A few veins and districts show evidence of vertical zoning apparently related to primary deposition; for the most part, however, in any one mine or camp there is yet little evidence of primary vertical zoning. On the other hand, certain groups of minerals are characteristic of intense conditions of heat and pressure, as indicated by the coarse recrystallization and high degree of metamorphism of the rocks with which they are associated; and other groups have such associations as to indicate much less intense conditions of temperature and pressure. Depth is only one factor determining intensity of conditions, but it affords a convenient way to indicate them; so mineral deposits associated with igneous rocks are sometimes classified by economic geologists on the basis of deep, intermediate, and shallow depths of formation.

There are a considerable number of minerals which are formed in all three of these zones, although in differing proportions. There are comparatively few which are uniformly characteristic of a single zone. On the whole, it is possible to contrast satisfactorily mineral deposits representing very intense metamorphic conditions, usually associated with formation at great depth, with those formed at or near the surface; but there are many deposits with intermediate characteristics which it is difficult to place satisfactorily.

The accessible deposits of the deep zone are associated with plutonic igneous rocks which have been deeply eroded, and not with surface lavas. They are characterized by minerals of gold, tin, iron, titanium, zinc, and copper, and sometimes of tungsten and molybdenum, in a gangue of quartz, which contains also minerals such as garnet, corundum, amphibole, pyroxene, tourmaline, spinel, and mica. The deep-zone minerals are not unlike the pegmatite minerals in their grouping and associations.

Deposits formed at shallow depths are related to extrusive rocks and to intrusives near the surface. Erosion has not been deep. Mercury, silver and gold (tellurides, native metals, and silver sulphides), antimony, lead, and zinc minerals are characteristic, together with alunite, adularia, and barite. Metallic copper also is not infrequent. Very often the gangue material is more largely calcite than quartz, whereas calcite is not present in the deep zone.[5]

The trend of evidence in recent years has favored the conclusion that the principal ores associated with igneous rocks have not developed at very great depths. Even within our narrow range of observation there is a difference in favor of the shallower depths, and the greatest depths we can observe are after all but trivial on the scale of the earth.

A survey of the ore deposits of Utah has suggested the generalization that ores are more commonly related to intrusive stocks than to the forms known as laccoliths, and that within and about intrusive stocks the ores are much more abundant near the top or apex of a stock than lower down.[6] In parts of the region where erosion has removed all but the deeper portions of the stocks, ore bodies are less abundant. It will be of interest to follow the testing of this generalization in other parts of the world.

The scientist is constantly groping for underlying simple truth. Such glimpses of order and symmetry in the distribution of ore around igneous rocks as are afforded by the facts above stated, tempt the imagination to a conception of a simple type or pattern of ore distribution around intrusions. For this reason we should not lose sight of the fact that, in the present state of knowledge, the common and obvious case is one of irregular and heterogeneous distribution, and that there are many variations and contradictions even to the simplest generalization that can be made. The observer is repeatedly struck by the freakish distribution of ores about igneous masses, as compared with their regularity of arrangement under sedimentary processes to be discussed later. It is yet unexplained how an intrusive like the Butte granite can produce so many different types of ores at different places along its periphery or within its mass, and yet all apparently under much the same general conditions and range of time. It is difficult also to discern the laws under which successive migrations of magma, from what seems to be a single deep-seated source or melting-pot, may carry widely contrasting mineral solutions. Far below the surface, beyond our range of observation, it is clear that there is a wonderful laboratory for the compounding and refinement of ores, but as to its precise location and the nature of its processes we can only guess.

Other features of distribution of minerals associated with igneous rocks are indicated by their grouping in metallogenic provinces and epochs (see pp. 308–309).

The Economic Aspect of Geology

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