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Forgiveness and letting go

We are a small part of a larger whole and have someone (Allah) who guards us, protects us, and gives us what we need, though not always what we desire. Whenever we turn to Allah and pray, we will be heard, and Allah will respond to our prayer. We need to understand that we are protected and everything that happens to us should occur to give us a message:

1. to teach us something (find out what you need to learn),

2. to prepare us for something that is yet to come (a major challenge) or opportunity, a change)

3. or to warn us that we are on the wrong path or that the current situation is not beneficial to us (e.g., Allah wants us to direct our prayers and desires only to Him and not pay more attention to worldly things than necessary)

We must accept everything that happens to us and accept it as a test.

It is important that we forgive all those who have hurt or harmed us in the past or in the present.

Forgiveness is very important for the effect of the recitation.

When we forgive, we let go, and when we let go, we cleanse our heart of all the emotional baggage that we have carried with us for far too long. Only when our heart is clean of emotional baggage can we let Allah into our heart.

“The virtues and secrets of Yunus Surah preserve their youth and freshness, and even the best is the Almighty God. For this reason, the virtues and characteristics of the Quran are stated in verses and hadiths as follows: "This is a great book. We have taken it down. It is very blessed. (Its benefits and abundance are many.) Now obey it, keep its commands, and fear Allah. That mercy may be shown to you. "

(surah Al An´Am, 6/155).

"There are seven verses in which anyone who recites them or carries them with himself, in any case, even if the sky is covered over the earth, Allah will surely provide an exit and salvation for that person (Ali ibn Abi Talib)

(Ali ibn Abi Talib was a cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, who ruled as the fourth caliph from 656 until his assassination in 661)

1. Surah at-Tawbah (51st verse),

2. Surah Yunus (107th verse),

3. Surah Hud (6th verse).

4. Surah Hud (56th verse)

5. Surah al-Ankabut (60th verse),

6. Surah al-Fath (2nd verse)

7. Surah az Zumar (38th verse)"

To purify mental discomfort and negative energy, recite many times (100 times or more – around 15 minutes):

Yunus Surah, 57th Ayat (Verses)

„Ya eyyuhennasu gad caa etkum mev´izatum mirrabbikum ve Şifa ul lima fissuduri ve hudev ve rahmetul lilmu´miniin“

Rough translation

"O mankind! Now there has come to you from your Lord an exhortation, and a healing for that which troubles you (in your hearts), and a guidance and mercy for the faithful."

Yunus Surah, 80th, 81st, 82nd Ayat (Verses)

Eûzu billahi mineş-şeytânirracîm. Bismillahirrahmanirrahîm.

80th: Fe lemmâ elkav kâle mûsâ mâ ci’tum bihis sihr(sihru), innallâhe se yubtiluhu, innallâhe lâ yuslihu amelel mufsidîn

“When the magicians came, Moses said to them, “Cast whatever you wish to cast!”

81st: Ve yuhikkullâhul hakka bi kelimâtihî ve lev kerihel mucrimûn.

“When they did, Moses said, “What you have produced is mere magic, Allah will surely make it useless, for Allah certainly does not set right the work of the corruptors.”

82nd: Fe vakaal hakku ve batale mâ kânû ya’melûn(ya’melûne).

“And Allah establishes the truth by His Words—

even to the dismay of the wicked.”

The Power of Allahs 99 Names in your heart

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