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The Gratitude (Alhamdullillah)

The Curative Effect of the Praises of Allah

Gratitude is very important and should become a part of our daily recitation, repeating the name "Alhamdulillah" daily will purify you and will be the first step to make your wishes come true.

We should always express our gratitude for what we have, for our health, our job, our marriage, our children, our talents and for everything else for which we are grateful. We can also be grateful daily for little things, like the sun shining, getting work done a little earlier than expected, or not having to stand in a traffic jam. Our energy will change for the better and we will feel inner peace.


Recitation: 33 times after the morning prayer (Fajr) or after the night prayer. A common translation is:

"My praise and worship to the Lord"

It is common and effective to recite "Alhamdulillah" after eating and drinking (to express gratitude for the food).

The Power of Allahs 99 Names in your heart

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