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According to tradition, the natives of Sri Lanka were the first people to use gotu kola. They noticed that elephants, animals renowned for their longevity, loved to eat the rounded gotu kola leaves. Hence the proverb “Two leaves a day keeps old age away.” The Ayurvedics used gotu kola like ginseng, as a tonic for longevity.


Bitter, stimulating, cooling, and moistening. Gotu kola neutralizes blood acids and may lower body temperature. It acts as a nervine, a diuretic, and a rejuvenating tonic. It is excellent for hair growth and as a treatment for baldness.

Part of Plant Used The seeds, nuts, and roots.

Conditions Treated Gotu kola stimulates the central nervous system. It aids in the elimination of fluids, shrinks tissues, decreases fatigue and depression, and stimulates sexual appetite. Gotu kola is recommended for rheumatism, blood disease, mental disorder, high blood pressure, a sore throat, tonsillitis, cystitis, venereal disease, insomnia, and to relieve stress.

Form Taken Used as a massage oil, shampoo, poultice, tea, and skin cream.

Used with Other Herbs? Sandalwood, lemon.


 Gotu kola has a balancing effect on all three doshas.

 Gotu kola infusions, taken as a beverage, will improve circulation in the legs and treat varicose veins.

 They will also act as a soporific in cases of insomnia.

 Used as a compress, the infusion will relieve psoriasis.

 To make an infusion, pour 2 cups of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of the herb. Let steep for 10 minutes. Drink up to 2 cups a day, adding lemon or honey to taste if desired. If the results of a compress are disappointing, try strengthening the infusion used.

The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments

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