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When camphor is steam-distilled, it is fractionalized into blue, brown, and white camphors. Blue camphor is the heaviest and weakest, and it is used mostly in perfume distillation. Brown camphor contains strong carcinogens and should be avoided. White camphor has medicinal qualities and is the most readily available.
Cinnamon is a pungent, sweet astringent, with stimulating, heating qualities. It acts as a diaphoretic, parasiticide, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, analgesic, and diuretic.
Part of Plant Used The twigs and leaves. Both have a strong camphor smell. Make sure that you purchase camphor which has been steam-distilled from natural sources.
Conditions Treated Camphor clears the mind and eases headaches. It alleviates joint and muscle pain. It acts on the nervous system and tissues, as well as the respiratory system. Camphor is indicated for bronchitis, asthma, coughs, arthritis, rheumatism, and gout. It also helps nasal and sinus congestion.
Form Taken Use as a massage oil, compress, salve, steam inhalation, and in lotions.
Used with Other Herbs? Use camphor in small doses only. Blends with rosemary, eucalyptus, and juniper.
Camphor reduces kapha and vátha, and it increases pitta when used in excess.
For bronchitis and colds, try a camphor inhalation. Half-fill an enamel pan or heat-proof dish with just-boiled water. Add 7 drops of oil of camphor. Use a towel to form a “tent” over the bowl. Inhale deeply for several minutes. Stop if you feel dizzy or if the steam is too hot for your skin.