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In Ayurvedic traditions, black pepper or marich is named after the Sanskrit word for the sun. Black pepper contains very potent solar energy, and is a powerful digestive stimulant. Black pepper is rajasic, or energy-producing, in nature.


Black pepper has a heating and drying effect. The taste is pungent and bitter—both properties good for balancing an overabundance of kapha.

Part of Plant Used The pepper kernel and the oil made from it.

Conditions Treated Black pepper stimulates the plasma and the blood, nervous system, spleen, and reduces fat. It is beneficial for chronic indigestion, toxins in the colon, sinus congestion, and can stimulate the circulation to help warm cold hands and feet.

Form Taken Take as a spice, as an oil, tea, or compress.

Used with Other Herbs? Black pepper combines well with orange, ginger, cypress, anise, sandalwood, lemon, and basil.


 Reduces kapha, increases pitta and vátha.

 Use in cooking as a stimulant—black pepper’s qualities are enhanced by heating.

 The oil can be used to clear sinus congestion and stimulate fat reduction.


 Do not use in high pitta state or in cases of inflammation of the digestive organs. Overuse of stimulant herbs can impair your body’s natural balancing systems. If you find you are attracted to adding pepper to most of your food, then start cutting back.

The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments

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