Читать книгу Facebook For Dummies - Carolyn Abram - Страница 30

Realizing How Facebook Is Different from Other Social Sites


Lots of social sites besides Facebook try to help people connect. Some popular sites are Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, and WhatsApp. We start with the biggest reason Facebook is different. Literally, the biggest: Facebook has over two billion users across the world (yes, billion with a b). Other social sites might be popular in one country or another, but Facebook is popular pretty much everywhere.

If you’re going to use only one social networking site, choose Facebook — everyone you want to interact with is already there.

You’ll see a lot of similar functionality across different sites: establishing connections, creating timelines, liking content, and so on. However, each site brings a slightly different emphasis in terms of what is important. LinkedIn, for example, helps people with career networking, so it emphasizes professional information and connections. Twitter encourages its members to share short tweets, 280-character posts with their connections. Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) encourages its members to share cool photos taken with mobile phones. Snapchat allows people to have video chats with friends while applying silly filters to their image in the video.

You might find some or all these sites useful at different points in time, but Facebook wants to be the one that's always useful in one way or another — so it tries to offer all the functionality we just mentioned … and more.

Facebook For Dummies

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