Читать книгу Facebook For Dummies - Carolyn Abram - Страница 36

Throwing a reunion


Thanks to life’s curveballs, friends at a given time may not be the people in your life at another. The memories of people you consider to be most important fade over the years so that even trying to recall a last name may give you pause. The primary reason for this lapse is a legitimate one: There are only so many hours in a day. While we make new, close friends, others drift away because it’s impossible to maintain many intense relationships. Facebook hasn’t yet found a way to extend the number of hours in a day, so it can’t fix the problem of growing apart. However, Facebook can lessen the finality and inevitability of the distance.

Because Facebook is only about 17 years old (and because you’re reading this book), you probably don’t have your entire social history mapped out. Some may find it a daunting task to create connections with everyone they’ve ever known, which we don’t recommend. Instead, build your map as you need to or as opportunity presents. Perhaps you want to upload a photo taken from your high school graduation. Search for the people in the photo on Facebook; form the friend connection; and then tag, or mark, them as being in the photo. (You can learn about photo tagging in Chapter 11.) Maybe you’re thinking about opening a restaurant, and you’d like to contact a friend from college who was headed into the restaurant business after graduation. Perhaps you never told your true feelings to the one who got away. For all these reasons, you may find yourself using the Facebook search box.

Facebook For Dummies

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