Читать книгу A Small Group of Change. - Chelsea Elizabeth - Страница 14
The Confusion.
ОглавлениеIt must have been around two in the morning and Marc and Megan had already crashed due to the all the work that they have been doing but Scott and Sarah are still going strong.
"I am impressed with how well you are taking this Sarah, I mean you are the biggest idealist and I would think this would shock you to the very core. I half expected to find you curled up with a tube of cookie dough and fuzzy socks, not working on how to fix the situation. Don't get me wrong, I knew you would get there, I just expected you to need some time to wallow first, mourn the loss of your innocence." Scott looks up from the paper that he was looking at.
"I don't think that politics are perfect, I just think that people can do more, can care more than politicians believe that they can. I believe that politics would be cleaner if politicians were held accountable, and the way that they become accountable is that the people need to stand up. I don't think that anything will change if we just ask politely for them to change, we have to be willing to work until real change happens, so that is what I'm doing, there's time to wallow later." Sarah is sick and tired of people thinking that she has unrealistic expectations of the world.
"I agree, just because we disagree on policy does not mean that we disagree on the integrity of the system, and the need for integrity of the system. I know you think I'm some terrible fake imitation of a human being for my political beliefs but that is just part of who I am. I have morals that would make a priest think I'm being too harsh on myself, and this whole situations hurts me just as much as it does you."
"Who would ever think that we could actually agree on anything, I mean we are about as different as can be and yet we are the best of friends." Sarah smiles at him, knowing that even if they believe completely opposite things they will always be best friends.
"You actually amaze me. I know that we are all friends and similar in our passion for politics but you have this aura that is just so passionate and it amazes me. I have become so cynical and it just warms my heart that you can still believe in the good of politics."
"Politics aren't inherently dirty, it has become that way due to human nature and I think that if we get a group of people who want to go into politics for the right reasons we might just be able to change the game, without ruining the system.There just needs to be more accountability to ensure that there is less cheating. I don't think that there can ever be no cheating but I think that if there is more accountability, then I think the cheating will be less, and a little less cheating is a little more honesty which is all we can ever truly ask for."
"I may not be one for big government or most of your policies but I have to tell you, if you ran, I would probably vote for you, you just ooze honesty, which is missing from most of the politicians these days. I would rather have a president who is honest with me and I disagree with, then one who lies but says that they have the same beliefs as me. How do I actually know that if they are always lying to me?"
"And I might hate the idea of losing social programs but if you ran I would probably vote for you because you ooze confidence and understanding even in the face of all the terrible cuts you would make." Sarah looks at Scott and blushes slightly, not understanding why she all of a sudden feels awkward, but puts it down to just being tired, given that she hadn't slept since they found out about the cheating.
"It's probably a good thing that Marc is the one who wants to run, given that he is in the middle of the two of us." Scott smiles at Sarah, knowing that he has liked her for awhile, but doesn't plan to do anything about it, because they will probably end up killing each other if they ever ended up dating.
Sarah just laughs before the two of them get back to work, looking up to look at each other when they don't think the other was paying attention.