Читать книгу A Small Group of Change. - Chelsea Elizabeth - Страница 18

The Question.


"Have we thought this through? I mean I understand why we are doing this, and I don't like the idea of cheaters getting away with it and winning but really what are we going to accomplish?" Marc has been wrestling with this for days, as Card and Bunker keep on winning, regardless of any rumors about cheating or indescretions.

"We are doing this because even if we lose at the end of the day, it is important that these things come to light. We are doing this because there always has to be a winner and a loser in a fight, and not being willing to fight means you automatically lose. We are doing this because we can, and because someone needs to. We are doing this because it is our duty to stand up for what is right." Sarah is confident in her convictions and knows that Marc wants to do this, he is just scared about what it means to him and his later political life.

Marc looks at Sarah and knows that she sees right through him. "I know you think that I'm being selfish but I'm not. I want to help the system and the best way for me to do that would be on the inside. And I can't be on the inside if I get blackballed from the system."

"I know what you are worried about Marc, and I don't think it makes you selfish, I think that you need to realize that how the system is now, you will never get in, and never be able to make that difference that you want."

"You need to decide if this system is what you want to work in, or if you agree that there needs to be change. If you believe that there needs to be change then you need to be willing to fight for that change. We can't ask Americans to fight for the change if we aren't willing to do the same thing. We are all ready to fight, are you?"

"I know and I want to help I really do. I just had a momentary lapse of conviction, I'm sorry."

Sarah hugs Marc. "There is no reason to apologize Marc, we have all been there, me included. What matters is that you want to work."


A Small Group of Change.

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